The Philippine Star

Manalo faction wants police to leave compound


Days of being deprived of food and medical attention are taking a physical toll on some members of the Iglesia ni Cristo reportedly being held at a compound owned by the religious group in Quezon City, an expelled minister said yesterday.

Roel Rosal said the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) should intervene as the police are blocking the driveway of the compound and preventing the delivery of food and basic supplies to an undetermin­ed number of INC members inside, including Tenny Manalo, widowed mother of INC executive minister Eduardo Manalo. With Mrs. Manalo inside the compound is son Angel.

Early last week, a YouTube plea for help from Angel and Tenny went viral. The two denounced corruption in the INC and said some members that had run afoul with the church’s leadership had gone missing.

“We want the police patrol to leave because we’re worried they might get hurt if ambulance carrying sick people suddenly drives out of the compound,” Rosal told CHR officials in Filipino. He said the policemen were also blocking food deliveries. Rosal said the police were supposed to monitor people coming in and out of the compound on Tandang Sora Ave. in Quezon City.

He said Angel and his mother were in good condition but admitted he has not seen them inside the compound.

CHR investigat­ors Policronio Nalangan and Albert Figueras arrived at the compound reportedly after being alerted to a “food blockade” by a female caller.

“The CHR sent us here to monitor their situation and to make sure their rights are protected,” Nalangan told reporters.

Nalangan said the INC members wanted the CHR to have the police removed from the site and cases of alleged harassment investigat­ed.

He also advised INC members to have a doctor check the medical condition of those inside the compound.

Meanwhile, Sr. Insp. Jun Fortunato, police community precinct commander of Culiat, denied that his men were harassing the sympathize­rs of Angel and Tenny.

Fortunato said many of those arriving at the compound were covered, hence the police’s stricter security procedure.

The police official said they had already moved their patrol car when the CHR team arrived.

Nalangan said the INC members in the vicinity appeared to be just trying “to exaggerate the situation” to get public sympathy.

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