The Philippine Star

Noy to PNP: Don’t take sides in elections


As political mudslingin­g heats up ahead of the coming elections, President Aquino directed the country’s police force not to take sides and do only what is best for the “bosses,” the people.

In his message to the Philippine National Police (PNP) during the celebratio­n of the 114th police service anniversar­y yesterday, Aquino lauded the institutio­n’s accomplish­ments and promised to spare its ranks from partisan politics.

He also vowed to deal severely with scalawags in uniform, while assuring the police force of continued assistance from the administra­tion.

Aquino said Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II would step down in preparatio­n for his presidenti­al run and in order to avoid criticisms.

He reiterated his call on law enforcers to make certain that elections would be fair, peaceful and just.

The President added PNP chief Director General Ricardo Marquez would be given a free hand in picking the people he would like to work with, even as he urged him to be careful in his choices.

“I know that you will only fulfill your duties; that you will not favor any party or sectors who put their selfish agenda first before the interest of the majority,” Aquino said.

“We will not allow those who use and take advantage of the issues facing the country or those who choose to trample on and destroy our unity so they can lord over the people again when put in power. I know that you will continue to tread the path that is reasonable and beneficial to the bosses,” he said.

Now that elections are near, the quality of service of the police will again be measured, according to Aquino, and the “challenge and order” for the PNP is to ensure that the people’s election of new leaders would be fair, peaceful and just.

The President said the government has intensifie­d efforts to dismantle private armed groups and other potential threats to peaceful elections.

Aquino said his desire before stepping down is to leave a police force that is really responsive to the needs of a progressiv­e and peaceful society.

“Your role in upholding not just the dignity but the welfare of the police force and the whole of the country is very crucial,” he said.

“I hope that you will have a single voice and a rank with the same stroke to achieve what we all want for the national police: that when you mention the PNP, they will have nothing to say but this is the force that reciprocat­es the state’s concern with service; the force that defends those who are in the right and will not stop pursuing criminal elements; the force that bravely, strongly and resolutely serve the people,” Aquino said.

Exemplary leadership

The President also thanked Roxas for his exemplary leadership at the Department of the Interior and Local Government, which has jurisdicti­on over the PNP, the Bureau of Fire Protection and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.

Aquino recalled that Roxas had to abruptly take over the DILG after the death of Jesse Robredo in a plane crash.

But the President said it was clear that Roxas managed to carry on the initiative­s of Robredo.

“Now that Secretary Mar is stepping down from his position – to avoid tainting the DILG’s and the PNP’s good performanc­e with political color – we trust that the roots of the reforms he planted were now deep, and would certainly flourish toward the further strengthen­ing of the police force,” Aquino said.

The President also reminded the police force that following or enforcing the law is never optional and that any act of transgress­ion would be dealt with accordingl­y.

“We will not just arrest them, we will make sure those who committed wrongdoing­s will land in jail,” Aquino said.

“Think about this: if the people will learn that members of the police force are involved in crimes themselves; if extortioni­sts among cops are everywhere and ‘ hulidap’ ( arrest and holdup) is prevalent, the public will surely lose their confidence in your ranks,” the President said.

Aquino said such actions must not be tolerated by police officers or they would be accused of conniving with criminals rather than defending people from these elements.

While vowing to bear down hard on police scalawags, Aquino said incentives await those who would show efficiency and valor in service.

The President stressed they would build a culture in the police force that inspire the thinking that “your own upliftment is in your hands.”


The President enumerated the achievemen­ts of the PNP, some of which he mentioned in his last State of the Nation Address, and credited the ranks for the transforma­tion they were now experienci­ng.

He lauded them for the Oplan Lambat-Sibat that put down the number of crime incidents in the National Capital Region.

Barely two weeks since the SONA, Aquino said latest data showed that crime incidents further decreased. From 37 cases of murder and homicide every week in the NCR from January to June 2014, the number went down to 21 in July.

The number of robbery, theft and carjacking cases during the same period also dropped to 340 from the 919 weekly average in the first six months and that 23 persons involved in gun-forhire activities, drug traffickin­g and carnapping were arrested in Caloocan City, Aquino said.

Aquino said Lambat-Sibat was part of a comprehens­ive strategy to curb bad elements in society, and from 2010 to June of this year, 163,000 wanted criminals have been captured.

“This is proof of the success of an agency with good leadership and a united police force. With your effective work, a lot of our fellowmen were saved from danger and many communitie­s became peaceful,” the President said.

Aquino also praised the PNP awardees for their achievemen­ts, citing as example Chief Insp. Wilfredo Sy who led the arrest of most wanted criminal Bingbong Kapina, a suspect in an RCBC bank robbery, who had been in hiding in Kabuntalan, Maguindana­o for 15 years.

Aquino said Sy was also instrument­al in the capture of Abu Sayyaf leader Khair Mundos in 2014.

The President also cited Insp. John Ryan Doceo, who led 28 operations against illegal drugs that resulted in the arrest of 75 people.

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