The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

Reflection­s on windows


Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law. — Psalm 119:18

Much of the scenery I saw during our vacation in Alaska was through the windows of moving vehicles. I was thankful for glass that allowed me to see the beauty while remaining warm and dry. But the windows also presented a challenge. When it rained, water drops on the outside obscured the view. When the temperatur­e changed, condensati­on caused fog to develop on the inside.

Those challenges help me understand why it is impossible for us to see life the way God intended it. Sin obscures the beauty of life that God wants us to enjoy. Sometimes sin is inside — our selfishnes­s creates a fog that makes us see ourselves as more important than we are and causes us to forget about others’ interests. Sometimes sin is outside. The injustice of others causes our tears to fall like rain, preventing us from seeing the goodness of God. Sin of any kind keeps us from seeing the wonder and glory of life as God designed it.

For now, even though “we see things imperfectl­y, like puzzling reflection­s in a mirror” (1 Cor. 13:12 NLT), we see enough to know that God is good (Ps. 34:8). The many wonderful things that God has revealed will help us to forsake sin and work to minimize its consequenc­es in the world.

— Julie Ackerman Link

Lord, improve our vision. Clear the fog that comes from

self-centered thinking. Help us to uphold justice, to offer comfort to others, and to wipe away the tears that have been left by the storms of life.

READ: Psalm 34:1-10

The only way to see life clearly is to focus on Christ.

The Bible in one year: • Psalms 74-76; Romans 9:16-33

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