The Philippine Star

Sea rows ‘central issue’ in Obama’s Asian visit


WASHINGTON – Territoria­l disputes will be a “central issue” when US President Barack Obama meets Asian leaders next week, the White House said Thursday, but downplayed hopes for a “code of conduct” to ease tensions.

As he prepares for his long trip to Asia, Obama has also opened an intense campaign to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p ( TPP) with 11 other Pacific Rim nations – the Philippine­s not included – as a way to lower tariffs, open world markets and build middle-class jobs, a New York

Times report said. Restrictiv­e provisions in its Constituti­on have largely forestalle­d the Philippine­s’ inclusion in the TPP – the economic cornerston­e of Obama’s drive to refocus US foreign policy on Asia.

National Security Adviser Susan Rice said territoria­l claims in the South China Sea – which have put the United States in direct dispute with China – would feature prominentl­y during a trip to the Philippine­s and Malaysia.

“This will be a central issue of discussion both at the East Asia Summit as well as at the ASEAN-US Summit (both in Kuala Lumpur) and the other engagement­s that we have throughout our visit to Asia,” Rice said.

That seemed at odds with China’s insistence that the

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n (APEC) summit next week in Manila should not discuss rising tensions.

Beijing, along with several other Asian capitals, have a knot of claims to maritime territory.

But China’s decision to reclaim and build on reefs and other bodies recently prompted the US Navy to send in guided missile destroyer the USS Lassen to within 12 nautical miles of at least one of the artificial islets in the Spratlys chain.

Besides China, the other claimants are the Philippine­s, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and Taiwan, with some of their claims overlappin­g.

During his trip to the Philippine­s, Obama will tour a maritime facility, designed to underscore the US commitment to Philippine maritime security, amid talk of a fresh batch of US aid.

Manila recently won the right for an internatio­nal panel to hear several territoria­l disputes with China. Beijing has so far ignored the proceeding­s.

Rice said the US view “has always been that these disputes need to be resolved through peaceful, legal means.”

“The establishm­ent of and implementa­tion of a code of conduct agreed among the leaders of the region, the states of the region and, in particular, the claimants would be a positive step forward,” she added. “But I don’t expect it to be a concrete outcome of this particular visit.”

Last week an Asia-Pacific defense ministers’ meeting in Malaysia ended on a sour note as the US and China butted heads over whether a final joint statement should mention the South China Sea.

Asked why Obama was willing to attend so many Asia summits in short order, senior Obama foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes said “when we’re not at the table, we’re on the menu.”

The issue is likely to come up again in bilateral meetings with leaders from Canada, Australia, the Philippine­s and Malaysia.

During his visit to Malaysia, Obama will also visit a refugee center, to highlight the issue as a “global challenge.”

“There are enormous refugee flows out of Syria into Europe. There are enormous refugee flows in Africa. There are enormous refugee flows in Asia,” said Rhodes.

“Malaysia hosts a very significan­t population of refugees, including a significan­t number of Rohingya who have had to leave (Myanmar),” he added.

In Manila, Obama will also take part in what the White House described as “an event that showcases US maritime security assistance to the Philippine­s.” US officials did not elaborate.

But in September, Navy Admiral Harry Harris, head of the US Pacific Command, visited the National Coast Watch Center, a facility at the Philippine­s coast guard headquarte­rs that Washington has helped Manila build to improve its ability to monitor developmen­ts in the

South China Sea.

Campaign for TPP

In the NYT report, Obama in the past few days has published two op-ed articles and a letter to online business owners who use eBay. He has also invited national security figures from both parties, led by two former secretarie­s of state, James Baker and Madeleine Albright, to join him at the White House on Friday to talk up the merits of expanding trade with Pacific Rim nations.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p will help generate higher wages, safer workplaces, fairer competitio­n, and a cleaner environmen­t — standards I will highlight as I travel from the G-20 to the Philippine­s and Malaysia,” Obama said in an article published in the Financial Times.

“If America is going to continue to lead,” he wrote in his letter to eBay business owners, “we have to make it easier for entreprene­urs like you to sell what you proudly make here in some of the fastest-growing markets around the world.”

The trade pact would set rules of the road for trade and investment between the US and Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, countries that together represent about 40 percent of the world economy. The Philippine­s has indicated that it wants to join as well. China is not part of the pact.

 ?? KRIZ JOHN ROSALES ?? MMDA workers hoist the Philippine flag in Rizal Park as the APEC Economic Leaders Week opened yesterday. Related story on Page 16.
KRIZ JOHN ROSALES MMDA workers hoist the Philippine flag in Rizal Park as the APEC Economic Leaders Week opened yesterday. Related story on Page 16.

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