The Philippine Star

SoKor gripped by large-scale anti-gov’t rally


SEOUL (AFP) — Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of central Seoul Saturday, in a massive protest against the conservati­ve government’s drive for labor reform and state-issued history textbooks.

Police sprayed water on the crowd, estimated to number about 50,000, as some protesters attempted to push through barricades at the rally outside City Hall in central Seoul.

Ahead of the rally, labor unionists scuffled with scores of plaincloth­es policemen to prevent the arrest of the head of the militant Korean Confederat­ion of Trade Unions (KCTU), who showed up for a press conference near the protest site.

Labor activists successful­ly blocked police from arresting KCTU President Han SangKyun, who has been sought for leading outlawed labor strikes last year and May Day protests this year.

“Down with ( President) Park Geun-hye,”the unionists chanted following the scuffles, calling her conservati­ve government “fascist,” an AFP journalist on the scene said.

Authoritie­s said they had mobilized 20,000 riot police for fear that the protest might turn violent.

Organizers of the protest said there would be a march toward the presidenti­al Blue House, a move which is likely to spark a clash with police.

Participan­ts, many of whom were bused in from across the country, chanted slogans demanding the withdrawal of a government labor policy which KCTU said benefits businesses by keeping wages low and making it easier for companies to fire activists.

They also condemned the opening of protected markets for some agricultur­al goods and a plan to impose government-issued textbooks on schools starting in 2017.

The textbooks have become a bitter ideologica­l battlegrou­nd between left and right in South Korea, with critics accusing Park’s administra­tion of seeking to deliberate­ly manipulate and distort the narrative of how the South Korean state was created.

 ?? AP ?? South Korean riot police officers scuffle with protesters who tried to march to the Presidenti­al House after a rally against government policy in Seoul Saturday.
AP South Korean riot police officers scuffle with protesters who tried to march to the Presidenti­al House after a rally against government policy in Seoul Saturday.

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