The Philippine Star

Goethe-Institut brings Berlinale Short Films to the Philippine­s


This December, the Goethe-Institut Philippine­n is giving film buffs across the country a special Christmas treat.

From Dec. 2 to 20, 12 short films from the Berlinale, the Berlin Internatio­nal Film Festival, will be shown in four cities around the Philippine­s for free. Dubbed “Berlinale Spotlight,” the films are especially curated for screenings in Southeast Asia and will be shown in two programs.

Included in the film roster are Berlinale laureates Hosanna (Golden Bear for Best Short Film 2015, Korea), Bad at Dancing (Silver Bear Jury Prize [Short Film] 2015, USA), and the Berlin Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards 2015, Distion sonance (Germany), among others. Berlinale is Germany’s most prestigiou­s film festival and also one of the most important dates on the internatio­nal film industry’s calendar. In 2015 at its 65th edition, 443 films were shown in different sections. The films shown in the sections Competi-

and Berlinale Shorts competed for the prestigiou­s Golden and Silver Bears.

Berlinale Spotlight will be shown on Dec. 2 and 3 at the Auditorium of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in Intramuros, Manila; Dec. 5 and 6 at the Film Developmen­t Council of the Philippine­s (FDCP) Cinematheq­ue in Baguio City; Dec. 12 and 13 at the FDCP Cinematheq­ue in Davao City; and on Dec. 19 and 20 at the FDCP Cinematheq­ue in Iloilo City.

Admission to the screenings is free and open to the public. For informatio­n, visit or e-mail

 ??  ?? A scene from Dissonance
A scene from Dissonance

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