The Philippine Star

Be nice to your knees


Our knees are some of the most abused and neglected joints in our body. Aside from helping us flex and jump, our knees bear the burden of carrying our body weight. So it’s best for us to learn how to take care of our knees while we’re still young. Here are some tips: 1. Before you exercise, stretch

first. Use static stretching only. Hold for 7-15 seconds and repeat, then switch. Avoid a bouncing motion.

2. Try low-impact exercises. High-impact exercises refer to lots of running and jumping like basketball, badminton, and soccer. Avoid activities that stress your knees, such as deep-knee bends or downhill running. Low-impact exercises include swimming, walking, and

taichi. Try playing on a softer surface like wood for basketball or shell for tennis. Run on grass instead of concrete.

3. Avoid the twist. Our knees connect the thigh and leg bone through several ligaments. Sudden twists, pivots, and turns, like in dancing, basketball, and badminton, can tear your knee ligament (ACL). The usual injury comes from a bad fall.

4. Replace your rubber shoes. Some people don’t replace their rubber shoes unless there’s a hole in it already. Did you know that running shoes are only good for around 400 miles? Afterwards, the shoes lose their ability to protect the runner. Gather your rubber shoes and make an honest and difficult decision. To keep or to throw away? Choose rubber shoes with good arch supports.

5. Consider knee guards. You can use knee guards for sports like roller-skating or soccer. Knee braces also help protect the knee from further injuries.

6. Limit wearing high heels. Ladies love to wear high heels because they enhance the figure. They make the breasts protrude forward and give ladies a curvy walk. The bad: They’re hard on your knees. A small pebble or cracked pavement can spell gloom/doom to a perfect romantic evening.

7. Avoid carrying heavy loads. Heavy objects put a strain on the knees and back. If possible, avoid heavy chores like hanging up clothes, vacuuming, lifting, and pushing furniture, etc. These put a lot of stress on the knees and back.

8. Avoid long periods of standing during ironing,

dishwashin­g, and peeling potatoes. Sit if possible. 9. Avoid kneeling. If you need to scrub the floor or clean bathtubs, use a mop and long-handled utensils for cleaning. Kneeling for long periods puts a lot of strain on the knees. If you’re in church, use soft pads for kneeling.

10. Plan ahead. Gather all your cooking supplies. Place utensils and supplies in a convenient position, so they can be grabbed without too much bending or stretching.

11. Take these other knee-friendly tips: 1) For bathing, place a sturdy bathtub stool inside the tub; 2) Avoid going up and down the stairs many times; 3) Rest the knees. Take intervals of rest throughout your daily activities. Sit and take a break.

12. Lose weight. If you’re 20 pounds overweight, then it’s like you’re carrying a 20-pound chair tied around your back. Your knees will bear the burden of this weight.

13. Keep your bones strong. Starting from childhood, we should take calcium-rich foods like milk, fish, green vegetables, and tofu. Limit your intake of meat. Alcohol and smoking also make one lose bone strength. For ladies, take your calcium supplement­s daily.

14. Glucosamin­e supplement­s might help, but the

evidence is unclear. Glucosamin­e is a precursor for glycosamin­oglycans, which is a major component of joint cartilage. So the thinking is that glucosamin­e supplement­s will help rebuild cartilage and treat arthritis. Glucosamin­e is often combined with other supplement­s such as chondroiti­n sulfate and methylsulf­onylmethan­e. It may not help, but you may try them if you want.


Any sudden twist, pivot or unexpected fall can tear your knee ligaments. Usually, it will involve the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament. This injury may need expensive and difficult surgery.

Knee surgery may allow you to return to high-level athletic activity, but it is not 100-percent effective. Some people don’t improve even with surgery. So it’s always better to care for your knees while they are still in good condition.

Like a broken porcelain dish, once our knees are injured, they’re not the same anymore. Be aware of your knees, especially creaking ones. And remember our nice knee-saving tips: Lose weight, exercise with care, and keep bones strong.

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