The Philippine Star

Devotees cleansed of bad luck at Thai resurrecti­on temple


NONTHABURI (AFP) — Eyes closed and gripping a bouquet of flowers between his palms, Kriangsak Puangsarn quietly prays before lowering himself into a coffin.

As Buddhist monks draw a sheet over the top of the casket, shrouding him in darkness, he undergoes a symbolic death, before the sheet is removed — and he is reborn.

“While I was lying down, I felt as if I had been resurrecte­d once I felt the movement of the cloth,” he told AFP.

Ever since monks first began performing this ritual in 2008, dozens of people have been coming each day to Wat Ta Kien temple, around an hour from Bangkok, looking for the chance to start again.

The ceremony aims to rid participan­ts of bad karma.

“People cannot escape from being born, getting old, getting ill and dying, so this is like practicing dying before you die for real — as when you die, your body has to be put in a coffin anyway,” said the temple’s chief abbot, Phrakru Samusangob Kittiyano.

After reciting prayers, participan­ts line up in front of their casket.

Once the order is given by a microphone-wielding monk, each person lies down in his or her coffin.

Bright pink sheets are draped over the coffin and then removed to symbolize death and rebirth in a ritual that lasts a minute.

The coffins are paid for with donations by the faithful, who hope to improve their karma by donating to the temple.

“My friend told me about it after she saw that I had been having bad luck lately,” 25-year-old Voravan Satienler, who was visiting for the first time, joined by a gaggle of friends, told AFP.

“I believe that laying down in this coffin will make my life improve,” she added.

 ?? AFP ?? A Thai devotee offers prayers at the end of a group resurrecti­on ceremony at a Buddhist temple in Bangkok yesterday.
AFP A Thai devotee offers prayers at the end of a group resurrecti­on ceremony at a Buddhist temple in Bangkok yesterday.

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