The Philippine Star

juju eats

Juju Eats, with its cleansing juices and substantia­l salads, is a respite from the greasy havens of fast food


salad for lunch? Not as a starter, a palate cleanser, or a way to assuage guilt while bingeing on a buffet? That’s a major mental block right there. This is the Philippine­s after all, where majority of meals are composed of steamed rice paired with pork cooked in an infinite number of ways. A country where salads are often afterthoug­hts: sad looking limp leaves drowning in thousand island dressing. And one more detail should be mentioned: eating healthy is substantia­lly more expensive here.

But that didn’t stop David and Kat Azanza from pioneering a movement to encourage healthier eating via Juju Eats. It all started with cleansing programs via freshly squeezed juices, hence the name of the restaurant, but quickly expanded to a premiere salad bar where fifty plus choices of toppings add up to over five thousand combinatio­ns. Here, it’s all about balance, proportion, and calibratio­n. It’s not necessaril­y about not eating meat, it’s knowing when to stop, and knowing when to start eating something better. Juju’s succeeded in shifting paradigms and convincing even hardcore carnivores like myself to occasional­ly forego my go-to choices and instead indulge in fresher, greener options. The menu has expanded from their original juices, bowls and wraps, to a full range of rice bowls, paninis, smoothies, superfood desserts, and even a selection of fresh, fruity cocktails.

 ?? photos by gabby cantero ??
photos by gabby cantero

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