The Philippine Star

The dark symbol of Christiani­ty

- Dr. Harold J. Sala

Nothing symbolizes Christiani­ty as does the cross. Thus, when the cross is removed from the faith, there is nothing of substance that deals with the fundamenta­l issue of sin and its consequenc­es.

Tertullian, one of the early Christian fathers, said that by the end of the first century, the cross was widely used by Christians as a symbol. Carved on the stone slab of a street in ancient Ephesus, you will find a double cross, which was a kind of street sign to direct fellow Christians to the home of a sympatheti­c brother.

In the Middle Ages, Christians began erecting crosses in the center of the city, and for centuries churches have been built in the form of a cross as a reminder of what Jesus did. Just what is the cross about and how did it become so important in the story of redemption?

While the Assyrians are credited with first using crucifixio­n, it was the Romans who refined the grim business and began to use it widely. It was first a visual statement used for slaves who betrayed their masters, and non-citizens who were enemies of Rome. Occasional­ly it was even used for a Roman citizen when a grievance was treasonous and the individual had become a national disgrace.

A sign was posted on the cross stating what the public offense was so that all who passed by might be warned of what would await them should they also be caught.

In our generation, medical science has demonstrat­ed that the actual cause of death by crucifixio­n was suffocatio­n as the weight of a body compressed the lungs. It is a visual reminder that God loves you so much He allowed His Son to be treated as we should have been treated, so for all eternity we can be treated as He rightly should have been treated.

Used with permission from Guidelines Internatio­nal Ministries. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, send an e-mail to You may also visit

When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on his left. – Luke 23:33, NASB

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