The Philippine Star

UN: 80% of world’s city dwellers breathing bad air


NEW YORK CITY ( AFP)— Over 80 percent of the world’s city dwellers breathe poor quality air, increasing their risk of lung cancer and other life-threatenin­g diseases, a new World Health Organizati­on ( WHO) report warned yesterday.

Urban residents in poor countries are by far the worst affected, WHO said, noting that nearly every city (98 percent) in lowand middle- income countries has air which fails to meet the UN body’s standards.

That number falls to 56 percent of cities in wealthier countries.

“Urban air pollution continues to rise at an alarming rate, wreaking havoc on human health,” Maria Neira, the head of WHO’s department of public health and environmen­t, said in a statement.

The UN agency’s latest air pollution database reveals an overall deteriorat­ion of air in the planet’s cities, and highlights the growing risk of serious health conditions, including stroke and asthma.

The report, which focused on outdoor rather than household air, compared data collected from 795 cities in 67 countries between 2008 and 2013.

Tracking the prevalence of harmful pollutants like sulfate and black carbon, WHO found that air quality was generally improving in richer regions like Europe and North America, but worsening in developing regions, notably the Middle East and southeast Asia.

Overall, contaminan­ts in outdoor air caused more than three million premature deaths a year, the UN body said.

The quality of air pollution data provided by individual countries varies considerab­ly, and WHO does not compile a ranking of the world’s most polluted cities.

But, in a sample of selected mega-cities with a population above 14 million, New Delhi was the most polluted, followed by Cairo and Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka.

 ?? AFP ?? Sarah Duch, a teacher-researcher at the Grenoble Alpes geography institut university, rides her bike with an air pollution microsenso­r connected with a phone to analyze the air quality while people move in the city.
AFP Sarah Duch, a teacher-researcher at the Grenoble Alpes geography institut university, rides her bike with an air pollution microsenso­r connected with a phone to analyze the air quality while people move in the city.

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