The Philippine Star

Cameron stands by ‘divisive, stupid and wrong’ comment


LONDON (Reuters) — British Prime Minister David Cameron stands by his descriptio­n of Donald Trump’s proposal for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US as “divisive, stupid and wrong,” a spokesman said on Monday.

Trump, when asked about Cameron’s criticism, said such comments indicate he is unlikely to have a good relationsh­ip with the British prime minister.

“The prime minister has made his views on Donald Trump’s comments very clear. He disagrees with them,” the prime minister’s spokesman said. “He continues to believe that preventing Muslims from entering the US is divisive, stupid and wrong. He stands by his comments.”

Asked who Came ron would prefer to be the next president, the spokesman said he would not comment on another country’s election but said the British leader had been clear he would work with whoever won.

“He is committed to maintainin­g the special relationsh­ip,” he said.

The spokesman said no meeting or call between Cameron and Republican candidate Trump was currently planned, but if one were proposed the prime minister would consider it.

Trump said that if he wins the US presidenti­al race he is unlikely to have a good relationsh­ip with Cameron because of the criticisms.

“It looks like we’re not going to have a very good relationsh­ip, who knows, I hope to have a good relationsh­ip with him but it sounds like he’s not willing to address the problem either,” Trump told ITV television in an interview.

When asked about Britain’s membership of the EU, Trump said: “I’ve dealt with the European Union, it’s very very bureaucrat­ic, it’s very very difficult. In terms of Britain I would say ‘what do you need it for?’ But again, let people make up their own mind.”

 ??  ?? Trump
 ??  ?? Cameron

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