The Philippine Star

The key to healing is to let go

- By GINA LOPEZ I can be reached at

The pain I am focusing this article on is not physical. It is deep emotional pain that comes from abandonmen­t, lack of love, betrayal — or whatever way the world inflicts what it does on almost everyone in general.

There was just an Inner Space Interactiv­e Sourcing (ISIS) retreat held in the house. I did not participat­e, but I felt the energy and to me, it felt like a massive white pillar landing on these individual­s who had taken a giant leap of having a week of their lives free —to progress spirituall­y.

Reflection­s: Pain is a part of life. It’s neither good nor bad. It just is. More often than not, it leaves a scar, and if the pain has not been processed or understood, it can leave a woundednes­s that erupts if “certain buttons” are pushed — that remind the person of the pain.

In the case of my son, my observatio­n is it has resulted in imbalance. I didn’t realize that he was so very deeply sensitive such that situations affected him intensely — more so than others.

Pain often results in anger. There is a reaction to the pain — and an unleashing to people not even connected to the pain at all.

The person in pain needs to let go, to unburden, to express. It takes a tremendous amount of will to hold that intensity in. The ideal situation is an ISIS intensive where one re-experience­s the pain and can then unleash in a “safe” environmen­t, discharge the voltage of the pain, and then let go.

Letting go—that is the very key. Eventually one has to let go. No matter the seeming unrighteou­sness — the key to healing is to let go. One doctor said that not forgiving will eventually result in some physical ailment. Pain. Love. My experience over the last few weeks is that as cliche as it may sound, “love is the only way.”

The energy of love is wonderfull­y healing — if the person is open to receive it. What I have learned to do is conduit Divine Love to the person. In the case of my son, it has worked wonders. I have been able to lessen his medication. Calm him. And in some instances, even get him to sleep!

Love heals. Love also creates an opening. The “conduit” of Divine Love has to know how to receive — and then to conduit the energy to the person in need. In my case, because I am the mother, my son was open to receiving. At one point, he even said that he was aware that I was just passing energies to him.

Pain. If pain is addressed — and dealt with in a positive way — wisdom can happen. It can bring on insight. Pain can actually bring one deep — because it is so painful, where will one go? One can party, but that doesn’t take the pain away. It just hides it. One can take drugs, or alcohol, but that just delays the experience of pain. It can deaden the pain, but only for a while.

Actually pain can be a gift. A gift from heaven. It’s better not to deal with the details, but just to feel the pain and then offer it to the Divine.Let it purify you — rather than sully you with negative reactions and incessant dizzying thoughts.

If dealt with well, pain can actually bring you to beautiful spaces where one feels divine healing.

I found that the key to spiritual life comes in the receiving. To receive, one must open completely — in a no-holds-barred kind of way. Oftentimes, I am amazed by the intensity that comes if we can just open and trust — and be soft and open. Completely.

I have found nature very healing. It is a good idea to retreat in nature.

Walk in the forest. Take a solitary barefoot walk on the beach. Feel the sun on one’s face. Don’t talk — just feel. Offer.... There is a reason for everything.

The world is not perfect. People are most certainly not. We need to find a way to go through life and all its unpredicta­bilities with a heart that is always connected to the Divine. Ultimately, this is a major strategic way to health and wellness.

If you are needing some help in dealing with pain, I give ISIS sessions.

Life is beautiful. It’s also quite unpredicta­ble. If we keep ourselves open to the Divine, pain will be one of many flower petals that are showered as one journeys forward.


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