The Philippine Star

To become a person of character


“Character is who or what you are even when nobody is watching.” Nice words and I often use this in my seminars, especially when I go to the part where integrity is important in effective leadership.

But have you ever considered this question. Who or what is a person of character?

I have kept this material with me for years. Finally able to pull it up from my file and asked permission to print this. Michael Josephson has beautiful things to say about being a person of character. He is one of the top ethicist in America and you can find a lot of good stuff on his web site: www.characterc­

Josephson says: “Let’s face it. It’s not easy to become a person of character. It takes a good heart, but it also requires wisdom to know right from wrong and the discipline to do right even when it’s costly, inconvenie­nt or difficult. Becoming a person of character is a lifelong quest to be better.”

A person of character values honesty and integrity and pays whatever price is needed to be worthy of trust, earning the pride of family and friends and self-respect.

A person of character plays fair even when others don’t and values no achievemen­t unless it was attained with honor. A person of character has strong conviction­s, yet avoids self-righteousn­ess.

A person of character believes in the inherent dignity of all people and treats everyone with respect, even those whose ideas and ideologies evoke strong disagreeme­nt.

A person of character deals with criticism constructi­vely and is self-confident enough to take good advice, admit and learn from mistakes, feel and express genuine remorse and apologize graciously.

A person of character knows what is important, sacrifices the now for later, is in control of attitudes and actions, overcomes negative impulses and makes the best of every situation.

A person of character willingly faces fears and tackles unpleasant tasks.

A person of character is consistent­ly and self-consciousl­y kind and empathetic, giving generously without concern for reward.

A person of character feels and expresses gratitude freely and frequently.

A person of character is not defeated by failure or dissuaded by disappoint­ment.

A person of character seeks true happiness in living a life of purpose and meaning, placing a higher value on significan­ce than success.

And Thomas Hardy says: “Do not do an immoral thing with moral reasons.”

I am in business and I have been doing business for the longest time. Funny, but every time you hear people say, “Francis, it is only business…” you immediatel­y know some ethical lines will be crossed.

I have worked with people whose eyes are always focused on the money and not on principles in obtaining it, and relationsh­ips like these never last. The end justifies the means even if it means character and integrity can be compromise­d. Well, look at it long term and business done this way will always carry painful costs and lives involved will be hurt and pained.

Many people are so good in using right reasons to do wrong things, but right will always be right, and wrong is always wrong. As an employer I want to hire people of character and whose trust is beyond reproach, but I need to make sure that I display the same character in the way I deal with money and people. You can’t put a spin on character and trustworth­iness. The truth will always come out.

There is a vast difference between reputation and character. Reputation is what others perceive you to be. Character is your true self without anyone around. And the best lesson I have learned which I pass on to my children as well as to you is this. Just work on your character and your reputation will take care of itself. Trust me. This works.

(Bring your leaders to the brand new Shangri-La Hotel at the Fort and experience two inspiring days of leadership training with Francis Kong in his highly acclaimed and updated Level Up Leadership on July 18-19. For further inquiries contact April at +6392855917­98 or Success Options at 7270291 / 7275692 or register online at www.leveluplea­

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