The Philippine Star

Why pray to Virgin Mary and the saints?


Ever experie n c ed one of those myheart-is-singing-My friend has. “I whispered to St. Pope John Paul II, ‘ Pray with me and for me that God will bless my life with a grandchild.’” Heaven’s response came after three- and- ahalf days. “Mom! I’m pregnant,” announced her daughter.

“Wow! That was quick!” I exclaimed. “Isn’t God amazing?” clapped my friend.

In my case, fear gripped me first. I could not find a valuable set of keys. I searched in the usual places, twice, thrice, my heart racing. Could I have moved it to another storage? “Darn this erratic memory,” I groaned. Folding my hands, I closed my eyes and began a private novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots. “Oh, Mama Mary, undo this knot for me.” That same night, I found the keys. I was literally gasping in disbelief. Mary must have been just as worried and immediatel­y came to my rescue. I know, I know, I could have raised this with St. Anthony (finder of lost items), but for some reason, the first person I thought of was Mama Mary.

My friend’s case and that of mine are not unique. Many call on angels and saints to intercede. In human terms, this is like asking help from beloved family and friends to say or put in a good word on our behalf, to someone who is in a position to extend or offer help or assistance. “Sige na naman, ipakiusap mo ako?”

Monsignor “Monsi” Sabino A. Vengco, Jr. covered this topic in his book Itanong

kay Monsi. Others have challenged, “Why pray to the saints when we can pray direct to God?”

Monsi replied: “Saints share in the holiness that essentiall­y belongs to God. Holiness, as a gift or grace from God, is first imparted to the faithful (us) in Baptism and by the work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the New Testament, Christians as members of the People of God sanctified in Jesus Christ, are generally referred to as ‘saints’ because they are called to be holy, to live up according to the gifts they have already received.”

When we pray the Apostles’ Creed, there’s a line there that says, “I believe in the communion of saints.” Monsi Vengco explains, “This means, firstly, that the Church is a communion in holy things like the faith we have received from the Apostles, our communal life in the Holy Spirit, and our sacred liturgy of Word and sacraments. Secondly, the Church is a communion of holy people (made up of) 1. pilgrims (us) on earth, called to holiness and living in the holy things mentioned; 2. beloved dead, those temporaril­y being purified still; and 3. saints, those already welcomed in God’s eternal glory.”

We on earth are, thus, in kinship with those who are already in heaven. However, saints can never replace God. They are our brethren (comrade, associate, friend, and chum) whom we hold in deep respect and with thanksgivi­ng. God alone is adored and glorified. When we venerate the saints, we see God’s saving love. Even if saints are already in heaven, they continue their works of charity on earth; they do not cease to intercede for us. Their brotherly concern helps our weakness greatly. Think: St. Joseph, Father Pio, St. Therese of Lisieux, and most recently, Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Be wary, however, that devotion to the saints does not distract us from the center of our faith: God through Jesus Christ.

Another question was raised. “Why are there different devotions to Jesus, as well as to Mary?”

I saw a sticker that described what a father is: Provider, teacher, coach, spiritual guide, bodyguard, chaperon, joker, champion, a comfy pillow, you name it.

Jesus is the same. He’s the Black Nazarene, the Divine Mercy, the Sacred Heart, the Good Shepherd, the Redeemer, the Holy Infant, and more. Each role drives home the point of Jesus’ love for humanity. His mercy and forgivenes­s are far greater than our sins as He leads us all to eternal life with Him.

Monsi Vengco explained Mary’s role in the different stages of her life:

At the Annunciati­on, Mary responded like a child, full of trust and gladness or caire, dependent on someone more senior. Her agenda? “God will take care, I will listen and I will follow.” Her early stages of faith were born of conviction to obey God’s will.

At the Visitation, filled with gladness, she was excited to share the good news with her cousin Elizabeth. Much like our cousins who we share secrets, worries, and beauty hacks with.

Her maturity of faith was manifested at the wedding in Cana. When Jesus referred to her as “woman,” it wasn’t to disrespect her but to emphasize her changed role: She’s now the partner of Jesus. She is His eyes and ears. She believes Jesus is our salvation and He can never do anything wrong.

At Calvary, when Jesus addressed her again as “woman,” Mary became a steward, with power. Her role was now that of a mother to all of Jesus’ disciples, his followers, including us.

In summary, Mary was a child (dependent on someone), a disciple (listened and followed the word of God), and a steward (spreading the good news). Like a diamond with many facets, Mary is different from every angle. She shows her love in various ways, in every title she holds.

“Let us bring Mary to every home carrying the good news of God’s salvation,” said Monsignor Vengco.

Who can refuse her?

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Mary Undoer of Knots
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