The Philippine Star

Jet-lagged Pacquiao skips gym work


LOS ANGELES – Manny Pacquiao missed another day at the gym – not because of cramps or the flu but because he was simply tired and jet-lagged.

His ring adviser, Mike Koncz, assured everyone there’s no cause for concern.

“He worked very hard in the Philippine­s and I think Manny’s there,” said Koncz after Pacquiao opted to stay home Monday afternoon instead of heading to the Wild Card Gym to train. “We’re ready to fight,” said Koncz. It’s less than two weeks to the fight against Jessie Vargas at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. Koncz said they’re making sure they don’t overdo things.

Pacquiao ran up the mountains of Griffith Park very early Monday, before the rains came in, and must have overslept until the afternoon because of fatigue and jet lag.

In his nearly two months of training in Manila, the 37- yearold Pacquiao, who was also busy performing his senatorial duties, also missed training a few times, once due to the flu.

There were no mountains to climb in Manila, and Pacquiao satisfied himself with long runs around Forbes Park each morning. The last time he tackled Griffith Park was when he trained for the Timothy Bradley fight last April.

Pacquiao can expect his legs to be a little sore when he spars Tuesday. Koncz said it’s normal. “This training camp had a lot of hurdles and obstacles. I know because I was with him every day. To get up every morning and jog and go to the Senate the whole day and go to training, that cycle is wearing him out,” Koncz told Pinoy scribes. Only a super human can do that. “But sometimes mental fatigue is worse than physical fatigue. He has worked hard both in his training and preparatio­ns for this fight and his senatorial duties,” said Koncz.

“And I told Manny before we left that’s it’s better for him to take one or two days off between now and the fight than over- exert yourself and wear yourself out,” he added.

Pacquiao was scheduled to train at around 2 p.m. but when Koncz checked on him in his room, the boxer was sound asleep. Koncz tried to wake him up

“He’s just dead tired and jet lagged. I jiggled him but not violently but he didn’t even budge. So, I told Jinkee I was going to cancel training and then I called Freddie who was okay with that,” said Koncz.

Pacquiao should be back sparring Tuesday for as many as six rounds. In this camp, he didn’t spar as hard as he used to and as long as he used to.

“Manny’s getting older. The only purpose now for sparring is his timing. He doesn’t do anything else. It’s just to get his timing back. We don’t see any issues with his timing,” said Koncz.

Gone were the days when Pacquiao would spar over 150 rounds preparing for a fight.

Pacquiao flew in last Saturday then spent Sunday moving around town. Like everybody else who arrived with him from Manila, he suffered from jet lag.

Yet, he was out on the road very early Monday and towed his loyal group up the mountains of Griffith Park. It was around 6 a.m. It was still pretty dark in the area.

Pacquiao jogged up the mountains leading to the iconic Hollywood sign. On his way down, it started to drizzle, and as he shadow boxed, it rained hard.

“Rain or shine tayo,” said Pacquiao.

Under the shade of trees, six men held a giant towel over his head as Pacquiao did his abdominal exercises, before some fans. A thundersto­rm was brewing. It was time to go.

“This is bad,” said his strength coach, Justin Fortune, just as Pacquiao, with a towel and an umbrella over his

head, walked to his vehicle.

Team Pacquiao left on board two black Escalades and seven other vehicles.

Pacquiao had breakfast at his home then went to rest.

Notes: To catch the evening flight of Philippine Airlines back to Manila the day after the fight, Manny Pacquiao will have to take a private plane from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Pacquiao is rushing home after the fight, regardless of the result, so he could land in Manila early morning of Tuesday and attend the budget deliberati­ons in the Senate in the afternoon… One of Pacquiao’s close friends here in Los Angeles said feelers were sent from the camp of Donald Trump regarding a meeting between the Republican Party presidenti­al candidate and the Filipino boxing superstar. But it seems nothing came out of it. Pacquiao’s promoter, Bob Arum, is strongly supporting the candidacy of Democrat Hillary Clinton. There’s also some connection between Pacquiao and the Clintons. Twice in the past, Pacquiao met with former President Bill Clinton, and in 2011, with President Barack Obama. Besides, Pacquiao, who’s now a senator, is here to fight, not for politics.

 ?? ABAC CORDERO ?? Manny Pacquiao does his workout, while handlers hold a huge umbrella to protect him from the drizzle.
ABAC CORDERO Manny Pacquiao does his workout, while handlers hold a huge umbrella to protect him from the drizzle.

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