The Philippine Star

Lust is forever


My desire, my lust for life

I desire to live happily, with a lust for beauty, good food and good health.

I desire to conquer my dreams, to work hard for them with a lust for success!

“Success belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”,

I think Helen Keller once said, so. . .

I believe in my dreams, I desire to achieve them, they are my lust for life!

I desire beauty, a joyful phantasm for me to behold,

I desire love from a woman’s heart, sincere and true,

I lust for femininity, graceful, pleasing and elegant I desire a face with a good nose and dreamy eyes A luscious mouth, good teeth with a lovely smile

Smelling sweet that you can kiss, inhale, taste and savor,

An intelligen­t mind that you can enjoy to hear and listen

Wise but fair, firm but human, full of love for God and me. I desire togetherne­ss, long lasting and forever I lust for her body with love’s unending passion Where my heart and hers shall merge as one in happy abandon,

To bring forth a new life, a new being the Lord has planned. When all these desires and lust are in place Together we shall journey towards the ultimate, For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health We shall scale God’s mountain and build a monument

Where our lust and desire in love be forever engraved!

This verse was written by Bert Galano, one of my male writing students at The Sunshine Place. Bert is a retired widower who just turned 80 but see how he still desires, lusts, and believes they are all done in the name of love! Since he is eight years older than I, he must also be wiser and therefore I concede that he may be right.

Actually his piece proves something I learned accidental­ly. Lust stays with us until death. My mother had serious Alzheimer’s Disease, meaning her brain was a profusion of holes. That’s why Alzheimer patients do the most outrageous things.

When my mother was 84, a tall, goodlookin­g man in a walker was left in her home. She took one look at him and her eyes said mine! That led them to each other for a while.

Remember — both of them had Alzheimer’s. His apparently took the form of a need for interminab­le intimate caresses all day. He was older than my mother but that was his form of Alzheimer. Please don’t be shocked. Many of the men in the home had similar affliction­s. Anyway, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Looks like you’re lucky, Mom, I said. I’ll bet you never necked that way in your mother’s house and I know you never did at our home.

She didn’t pay attention. They just enjoyed themselves all day for maybe three months. After that he just sat in his wheelchair and slept and my mother sat beside him.

Don’t worry, ma’am, her male nurse told me, when he follows her to her room we pull him away.

Why? I asked. Are you afraid my mother will get pregnant? She’s 84! They don’t know what they’re doing. Their brains are damaged. Let them be free. Ay, no, ma’am, we cannot let them sin. I didn’t see the point of arguing that when your brain is gone you can no longer sin.

I, however, believe that if another tall man walked into the home the day before she died my mother would get that look in her eyes once more and he would be hers for a short while because lust lives for as long as you do.

Why did Bert write about desire and lust? I’m afraid that was my fault. My writing class has a session called Creative Tension where you write about first words that are not compatible like cold/burn or honorable/villain, something they must do in class. Then as homework they are asked to do words that are almost alike like look/see, hear/listen and desire/lust. I jokingly said, I wish you would take desire/lust and the two men in this class did, proving to me that desire/lust will last all of us a lifetime.

Lately I’ve been holding my writing class at The Sunshine Place. I have had four classes there and two of those classes have had men participat­ing. Both classes had four students and of those four students two were male. These four daring men of different ages have restored my ability to teach men. I can do it! Furthermor­e, we all enjoy it.

So this proves to me two things in one go. One, I can teach men, and two, lust does seem to last forever. It’s the objects of our lust that change.


Please text your comments to 0998-991-2287. Call The Sunshine Place for more informatio­n of writing classes at 856-4144.

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