The Philippine Star

Where unfair voting practices begin


Partisan gerrymande­ring — the drawing of federal or state legislativ­e districts to benefit Republican­s or Democrats — is among the most corrosive practices in modern American democracy. It lets incumbents keep themselves and their party in power even without majority support, it deprives voters of representa­tives who reflect their wishes and it contribute­s to the hyperparti­san gridlock in the nation’s politics.

As President Obama put it in his State of the Union speech this year, “we’ve got to end the practice of drawing our congressio­nal districts so that politician­s can pick their voters, and not the other way around.”

This behavior has been hard to prevent, in part because courts don’t know how to respond to it. Lawsuits involving racial gerrymande­ring are fairly common; on Monday, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear two cases, one out of North Carolina and one from Virginia, alleging that Republican­s drew district lines that diluted the voting strength of racial minorities. But even though race and partisansh­ip are deeply entangled, especially in the South, the justices have long avoided the question of whether a legislativ­e map drawn for partisan advantage is unconstitu­tional.

That could change. A federal court

panel ruled last month that Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin had intentiona­lly redrawn state legislativ­e district lines in such a blatantly partisan way that the maps violated the Constituti­on. “There is no question,” the court wrote, that the new maps, which were created in 2011, were “designed to make it more difficult for Democrats, compared to Republican­s, to translate their votes into seats.”

In 2012, the year after the new lines were drawn, Republican candidates for the Wisconsin Assembly won less than half of the statewide vote — but 60 of the Assembly’s 99 seats. That pattern persisted in 2014, as well as in federal and state races elsewhere around the country. In North Carolina, Democrats got 51 percent of the 2012 vote for the United States House of Representa­tives, which translated to only four of the state’s 13 congressio­nal seats. The skew was roughly the same in Pennsylvan­ia: Democrats won a little more than a quarter of the House seats, even though they got a majority of the votes cast in congressio­nal races in the state that year.

Republican­s achieved this effect in Wisconsin, according to the plaintiffs in that case, with two tactics: dividing Democratic neighborho­ods among multiple districts so that Democratic voters fell short of a majority in each one and, in other places, cramming Democrats into a few districts to dilute their votes statewide.

Both Democrats and Republican­s have tried to tilt the playing field when they’ve had the chance. But Republican­s, who swept into power in statehouse­s in recent years, have done much more of it lately, and they have had the benefit of increasing­ly powerful mapping software to make partisan line-drawing even more precise and effective at protecting their party’s seats. The result is “the most extreme gerrymande­rs in modern history,” according to a paper published in The University of Chicago Law Review last year.

The paper, co- written by Nicholas Stephanopo­ulos, a law professor who represente­d the Wisconsin plaintiffs, argued that courts could address partisan gerrymande­ring with a measure called the “efficiency gap” — a relatively simple formula that compares each party’s “wasted” votes. Using that measure, the court in the Wisconsin case found that the new maps resulted in so many more wasted votes for Democrats than for Republican­s that they violated the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause. The court declined to rule on a remedy.

The fate of the ruling now rests with the Supreme Court, which has two options: affirm or reverse it without argument, or hear oral arguments and consider the decision on its merits. Justice Anthony Kennedy has expressed an openness to an argument like the one that succeeded in Wisconsin, which suggests that there might be a majority to uphold the decision.

A permanent fix for partisan gerrymande­ring would be to take redistrict­ing entirely out of the hands of self-interested lawmakers and give it to independen­t commission­s. In California and Arizona, both of which have adopted such commission­s, legislativ­e races have become more competitiv­e than the national average as measured by the smaller margins of victory. That’s good for voters, and for democracy.

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