The Philippine Star

What drives your life?

- Dr. Harold J. Sala

“For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” – JOHN 6:38

My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work’” (John 4:34). Another translatio­n uses the word “meat,” as in meat and potatoes. Simply put, He had two clearly defined objectives that fueled Him: (1) Do the will of His Father, and (2) finish the work God gave to Him.

The issue you need to face, whether you are age 25 or twice that, is not how much time you have, but what you are doing with the time you have. But here’s the challengin­g caveat: You don’t know when the judge of the earth shall say, “Enough!”

That’s the unknown factor. Who says that middle age starts at age 40? You may be on the homestretc­h at that age. Remember, Jesus said He had two objectives: Do the will of God and to fulfill His purpose.

While you may not have thought about this, you can’t really know the will of God until you know Him who has a will for your life. Knowing God’s will begins with a relationsh­ip with Him whereby you confess your need of forgivenes­s, and allow Him to adopt you as His child. That is the most positive, energizing decision you can ever make.

Then make your second goal a simple one: complete the work God has for you. That means finding God’s purpose for your life. This also means learning to prioritize and leave undone the things that don’t really count, that take your time and energy, and leave you too tired to love, to care, to rejoice, to bring blessings to others.

“My food,” Jesus said, is to do what I’ve outlined. He thrived on it. Keep the main thing, the main thing. It’s the only way to live a purposedri­ven life, and the only way to eternal life as well.

Used with permission from Guidelines Internatio­nal Ministries. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, send an e-mail to You may also visit

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