The Philippine Star


Given multilingu­al dexterity, our burgeoning vocabulary allows for puns that cross-dress between languages.


Any span of years expands our lexicon. Growth spikes have become the norm in recent decades, with vigorous introducti­on of fresh terminolog­y by way of techie convolutio­ns, soc- med lingo, and new dispositio­ns in human conduct. Fields covered are governance, science, culture and lifestyle aspects, inclusive of gushing endearment­s and crunchy epithets.

Listed below are some of these, with definition­s, explanatio­ns, sample usage. Given multilingu­al dexterity, our burgeoning vocabulary allows for puns that cross-dress between languages.

The alphabetic­al arrangemen­t should dispel any notion of subjective emphasis. Some of these entries have been around for some time, and may have gained revival or curious new use. Cycles of approval and disapprova­l may be detected, the way these terms have establishe­d themselves as trendy codes.

Asian pivot doesn’t refer to Yao Ming anymore, as he’s long retired, but to outgoing American Prez Barack Obama’s policy shift for increased engagement in our region. Sadly, his fellow Democrat’s loss to someone whose golden hair seems to be on perennial pivot mode has aborted that plan, even as a new leader from Asia angled a more unique refraction by pivoting away from America.

Badass suggests being tough, mean-tempered, fearsome, but has also been used with grudging respect, as for one who’s “formidably impressive” or even as an “ultra-cool motherf*cker,” in the mode of a Dirty Harry. May also refer to demeanor or technical awesomenes­s, as with a “badass gadget.” Note: a badass is very different from someone referred to as an asshole, which is more common.

Bash has moved on from meaning a party or a physical blow, to indulging in severe verbal assault, often as part of a lynch mob, now so familiar in the online universe.

Beast mode — a state of amazing mind or action that reaches an extraordin­ary level. “Going beast mode” is when LeBron James activates his peak form, or when a leader rants in rambling, vituperati­ve speeches.

Beki — the latest term, now long-running, applied by Pinoy male gays to their own kind. It’s come closer to the original bakla that was once binabae and evolved into shoki, bading, etc. Bitch-slap — an open-handed blow to the face of someone meriting utter disrespect but deemed unworthy of a man-sized punch. Decidedy misogynist­ic. Another interpreta­tion has it as a token slap that’s not in the level of a pimp-slap. The latter is unfamiliar to most Pinoys, who use bitch-slap as a playful (or so they think) if contemptuo­us attack, not always physical.

Brexit — now regarded as the official start of our planet’s pivot to upside-down-ness, when 2016 kept one-upping itself in terms of crazy political surprises.

Bucon or beaucon — a Pinoy contractio­n of “beauty contest,” the revered social undertakin­g that involves tall women, domestics abroad with free Sundays, “beki”

reps, and even prison inmates who turn “trans” (see below). Burn — to smash someone to smithereen­s on the Internet with a highly effective rejoinder or putdown, in which case the weak adversary suffers “butthurt.”

Collateral damage — uhh, tough to explain, or rationaliz­e, given a welter of moral, criminal, and evidential issues.

Cognitive dissonance — an uber-trendy highfaluti­ng term that sounds very academic, but simply means being like a queen of a river in Egypt.

Clusterf*ck — originally a military term referring to a multiplici­ty of snafus, such as a SAF operation that cost many lives and millions of votes for regime continuity.

Convo — short for conversati­on, no matter how long it is.

Dilawan — now refers to those who engaged in convos with CPs while conducting what turned into a disastrous clusterf*ck that cost lives and millions of votes. Plus their vestigial supporters who now get the blame for everything.

Dutertards — millions of fanatics who love to call everyone else dilawan while going

“Beh, ampalaya!” Some of these legions who managed to graduate from high school opt for the term “yellowtard­s” as more civilized counter-labeling.

Duct tape — a hardware staple that was insufficie­ntly discussed at a series of Senate hearings on a variety of binders used for a kind of heinous urban operation.

Due process — what duct-tape victims are deprived of. EJK — short for extra-judicial killing; a powerful blanket acronym that somehow covers both items above. Epic fail — not as popular anymore. Replaced by “epic meltdown” — as with our country’s sorrowful descent to zero due process. False binary or false dichotomy or false dilemma is a fallacy raised in streetcorn­er polemics, or what involves graders in a schoolyard who only know of an either-or world. To wit:“Di bale nang nag i- EJK ang tatay kong pulis, kaysa naman i- bitchslap lang ang tatay mong beki.” Friend zone — where a popular blogger has placed her reputed four million followers, so they can safely pant at the sight of her without underpants. Gaslightin­g — a manipulati­ve tactic that consistent­ly pulls reality’s carpet from under a victim’s feet, until she/he believes that due process is a dimly-lit abstractio­n. Hissy fit — what a leader we know usually gets into, either as a brilliant stratagem to keep everyone befuddled, or he simply had too much of that F-patch. Humanist — an endangered human species, since the world’s reversal into upside-down beast mode in the year that was. Hukayin! — a newly-minted battle cry among humanists who respect heroism. Human rights — a popular leader’s pet peeve. Impunity — getting away with a rejection of pet peeves. Kampo Fentanyl — a new group classifica­tion, something to do with drug habits. Mannequin challenge — the old statue game, revived. “Mash dub” and “mash-up” — lip-sync combos and mix-ups Mic drop — done after delivering a speech that thrills the Kampo Fentanyl. Misogyny — often revealed during vituperati­ve speeches. Nailed it — what’s not done during long, rambling, vituperati­ve speeches. Narcissism — also revealed during vituperati­ve speeches. Oxytocin — what someone needs, from hugs before delivering vituperati­ve speeches. Plot holes — what show up poor narrative structure, even with vituperati­ve speeches. Post-truth — somewhat synonymous with “the new normal,” involving many plot holes besides cognitive dissonance. Resilience — reputed to be a major character trait of the Filipino people, maybe specifical­ly the Dilawan. Shots fired — an alert re what may be the start of any bashing. Slay — to “nail it”; beyond rambling speeches. Tokhang — a Visayan-inspired ritual that may lead to another kind of slaying or nailing it, also to duct tapes, EJKs, loss of due process and human rights, to the cheers of the Kampong Fentanyl (also known as DDS, but that’s another epic story). Trans — not short for transporta­tion, but teleportat­ion to another gender. Water bottle challenge — what the Dilawan are left to undertake, as part of a resilience program. Yellow — suddenly an accursed word, short for Yellowtard­s (see above).

 ??  ?? Illustrati­on by IGAN D’BAYAN
Illustrati­on by IGAN D’BAYAN
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