The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

A wonderful explosion


As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

v.34 In the book Kisses from Katie, Katie Davis recounts the joy of moving to Uganda and adopting several Ugandan girls. One day, one of her daughters asked, “Mommy, if I let Jesus come into my heart, will I explode?” At first, Katie said no. When Jesus enters our heart, it is a spiritual event.

However, after she thought more about the question, Katie explained that when we decide to give our lives and hearts to Jesus “we will explode with love, with compassion, with hurt for those who are hurting, and with joy for those who rejoice.” In essence, knowing Christ results in a deep care for the people in our world.

The Bible challenges us to “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Rom. 12:15). We can consistent­ly display this loving response because of the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts. When we receive Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us. The apostle Paul described it this way, “When you believed [in Christ,] you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit” (Eph. 1:13).

Caring for others — with God’s supernatur­al assistance — shows the world that we are His followers (John 13:35). It also reminds us of His love for us. Jesus said, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (v.34).

Jennifer Benson Schuldt

— Dear Jesus, help me to experience Your love more deeply so that I can share it with others. Empower me through Your Holy Spirit so that I can glorify You. READ: John 13:31-35 Love given reflects love received.

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