The Philippine Star

Feng shui guide for home & office


W ith the Year of the Rooster, Ding You ( , learn丁酉) how to optimize feng shui energy for your house. We start off with the Xuan Kong Flying Star chart, which is the basic of classical feng shui fundamenta­ls and based on the Luo Shu path that gives an indication of the events, auspicious and inauspicio­us energy governing your house or office.

The main door of your house or office is key to determinin­g whether your space will receive good or bad feng shui Qi. It is always good to find out the direction it is facing to determine its auspicious­ness in 2017. To measure your main door, simply stand outside your house and use a compass to measure the direction it is facing.

First, find out where your main door sector is and refer to the actual star representa­tion for 2017. Remember that the main door can actually face North but it may reside in the NorthEast sector. The sector is key to determinin­g your feng shui auspicious­ness.

The 1 Star (Victory) Center — The center star is governed by the 1 Star of the North water star, which governs victory and change. Expect a lot of changes and surprises this year. This suggests that the “usual way of doing things” may no longer be a popular trend. One shouldn’t expect the status quo to remain but rather to push for innovative ideas and trends. This includes government, policy and business strategies. Those that refuse to adapt to change will lose out in this race.

The 2 Star (Sickness) NorthWest — This star resides in the NorthWest sector and if your main door is located here, there can be sickness in the household. This is especially true for people born under Gua 2. One of the remedies is to place a metallic object such as a wind chime or metal coin to exhaust the inauspicio­us Earth energy. Do note that feng shui has little to do with buying objects for placement, we are simply using the Metal element to exhaust the Earth energy here. The 3 Star (Quarrelsom­e) West — This year, the quarrelsom­e energy of Star 3, which is a wood element, flies to the West sector. With your main door located in this sector, be prepared to defuse conflict and argument in the household. It is best recommende­d not to engage in any form of conflict as it can snowball into a major event.

The 4 Star (Romance & Education) NorthEast — For single people looking for a partner, engage in more social networking activities as it will highly increase your chances of finding someone. The Wen Chang position also blesses the education sector, one can expect to have their kids perform better in examinatio­ns and tests.

The 5 Star ( Disaster) South — The most scary and disastrous Star 5 of Earth element is present and resides in the South sector this year. If your house sits in this sector, you cannot renovate the house at all or you will activate the extremely negative energy, which affects health, wealth and relationsh­ip in the entire household. Drilling, hacking the wall and replacing the tiles are considered renovation as well. The best remedy is not to activate this sector, keep it quiet and you will not be affected by this negative star.

The 6 Star (Opportunit­y) North — The 6 Metal element star resides in the North sector and it will bring opportunit­y and heavenly luck. If your office or house’s main door happens to reside here, you should work harder and manifest all your opportunit­y into big wealth capacity.

The 7 Star (Violence) SouthWest — The 7 Star, which is a metal element in nature, governs the robbery and violence star. If your main door is located in this area, please install CCTV and improve your house and office security as this year it’s prone to house robbery and violence. Do not have a fish tank or any water container in this sector as it will activate this negative energy.

The 8 Star ( Wealth) East — The 8 Star is the most auspicious feng shui star at East sector in 2017. This governs wealth and is extremely good for businesses seeking to have great revenues this year. If the main door falls under this sector, you can activate it with water or a fish tank in the sector of your house. Coupled with hard work, it is bound to bring you a fruitful year ahead.

The 9 Star (Future Star) SouthEast — The 9 Star, which is also the future star due to period 9 approachin­g, is considered an auspicious star and denotes a good year for planning new projects and business expansion.

You can also use the mini-taiji to divide your house into nine grids based on the chart and see which area of your living room or bedroom has the auspicious energy and simply spend most of your time in that sector to take advantage of good feng shui. Whether you are doing your sales call, business proposals or even getting your child to do well in exams, you can refer to the 2017 flying star chart and use the sector of energy that is auspicious to your advantage.

Understand that feng shui has little to do with purchasing feng shui objects but more of tapping energy by using that area and space often. The idea of using feng shui objects is at best to exhaust the element (eg, Metal to exhaust Earth). If you own a house, but not staying in the house, then the energy in that place will not affect you at all.

For later heaven feng shui arrangemen­t, Period 8 (which is activated from 2004 to 2023) governs the Earth energy for almost 20 years. However, what is not known is that for Period 9 based on Early Heaven arrangemen­t, energy will start to fuse in from 2017 onwards. This translates to the Southern region becoming a prosperous state. In Singapore feng shui context, one can expect to see more new developmen­ts appearing in the southern part of Singapore. Though, of course, regardless of which country you reside in, pay more attention to the Southern part especially if you are keen on property investment­s. This change of energy can result in undervalue­d property appreciati­ng over the next few years. The southern part of Manila and Cebu can also see more developmen­ts from 2017 onwards.

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Learn how to optimize feng shui energy for your house.
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