The Philippine Star

Pop culture pals

Wouldn’t Matilda and Eleven make such great friends?

- By Gaby Gloria Art by SHY CABAJAR

T he sidekick has got to be the quintessen­tial character trope in literature, film and TV. It’s like you can’t have a protagonis­t without that well-founded support system that comes in the form of a best friend. Over the years, we’ve come to define certain shows and films with the friendship­s that we see in them. Where would Kim Possible be without Ron Stoppable? How far would Harry have gotten if he didn’t have Ron and Hermione?

While there are some friendship pillars that we can’t imagine any other way, there are also many times where we’ve watched something and thought, “Hey, that one character would get along with that other character from a completely different movie.”

Since the possibilit­y of these characters ever getting together are slim (except in fan fiction), we’ve decided to round up some of our favorite characters and re-pair them according to their personalit­ies, and to calm our fangirl hearts. You know what they say: good things always come in pairs.

Joon Hyung from Weightlift­ing Fairy Kim Bok-Joo and Clark Medina from On the Wings of Love

Yes, their personalit­ies are a bit different — Joon Hyung is the life of the party, while Clark is more brooding and introverte­d. But what they have in common is their troubled family pasts — which makes them determined to do their best in everything. The way they treat their ladies is also similar. The two will literally do anything to keep their girls happy. Can you imagine how fun and cute double dates with Kim Bok-Joo and Leah Olivar could be?

Gordo from Lizzie McGuire and Seth Cohen

The reasons why this pair would get along are no-brainers. Aside from kind of looking alike ( that curly hair!), they’ve got similar mannerisms and interests. Gordo’s a couple of years younger than Seth, so this could be more of a “cool older brother” friend relationsh­ip. We can already see Seth loaning Gordo a mix with his fave Death Cab for Cutie tunes and educating him about the magic of Chrismukka­h.

Matilda and Eleven

Since they’re both gifted with psychic abilities, it’s already a given that Matilda and Eleven are powerful by themselves. Together, though, that’s a different story. While Eleven was already born with psychokine­tic abilities, Matilda honed her skills on her own. There’s no telling what kind of havoc these little girls could get up to if they got together and compared notes. We can already imagine a whole tea party situation that involves lots of floating cake and Eggos. Psychic power party, anyone?

Derek Ramsay as pulis from Anti-Piracy ad and Johnny English

This pair will definitely get that suave spy and comedic sidekick dynamic down to a T. Derek would of course play the part of the serious lead spy, but we think Johnny English would take over the show during all of those dramatic chase scenes. Guess who we think will slip on the kamatis?

Lindsay Weir and Angela Chase

One word: rebellion. Our fave ‘ 90s heroines came from similar background­s before ditching their old selves in search of life’s meaning. They eventually found new friend groups, but they never really got to talk to people who were in the same uncertain position. Wouldn’t it be (as the ’90s kids say) rad to listen in on them going to each other for advice? We’d love to be in the room when Angela tells Lindsay about how she loves the way Jordan Catalano leans, or when Lindsay asks Angela whether or not it would be wise to follow the Grateful Dead on tour.

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