The Philippine Star

Lenten reflection­s: Jesus begins his ministry after 18 years of hidden life


The hidden years of Jesus, according to The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi, was spent in Western Tibet, Persia, Assyria and Egypt before He started His ministry in Jerusalem. Then by age of 30, He went to Galilee to be baptized by John, the harbinger. When Jesus saw John, He said: “Behold the man of God! Behold the messenger whom God has sent to open up the way!” John saw Jesus standing with the throng, he replied, “Behold the King who cometh in the name of God!”

Jesus said to John “I would be washed in water as a symbol of the cleansing of the soul.” John answered, “You do not need to wash, for you are pure in thought, and word, and deed. If you need to wash I am not worthy to perform the rite.” Jesus

exclaimed, “I come to be a pattern for the sons of men, and what I bid them do, then I must do; and all men must be washed, symbolic of the cleansing of the soul.”

Then John led Jesus down into the river at the ford and he baptized Him in the sacred name of Him who sent Him forth to manifest the Christ to men. As they came out of the stream, the Holy Breath, in the form of a dove, came down and sat on Jesus’ head. A voice from heaven said, “This is the well-beloved Son of God, the Christ, the love of God made manifest.” John heard the voice, and understood its message.

Jesus goes to the wilderness for 40 days

Jesus went to the wilderness to be alone with God that He might look into His inner heart, and note its strength and worthiness. Talking to Himself, He said: “My lower self is strong; by many ties I am bound to the carnal life. Have I the strength to overcome and give my life a willing sacrifice for men? When I shall stand before the face of men, and they demand a proof of my messiahshi­p, what will I say?” The tempter came and

said, “If you be the son of God, command these stones to turn to bread.” Jesus replied, “Who is it that demands a test? It is no sign that one is son of God because He does a miracle; the devils can do mighty things. Did not the black magicians do great things before the Pharaohs? My words and deeds in all the walks of life shall be the proof of my messiahshi­p.” Then the tempter exclaimed, “If you will go into Jerusalem, and from the temple pinnacle cast down yourself to earth, the people will believe that you are the Messiah sent from God.” And Jesus said, “I may not tempt the Lord, my God.” The tempter answered, “Look forth upon the world; behold its honors and its fame! Behold its pleasures and its wealth! If you will give your life for these, they will be yours.” But Jesus said, “Away from me all tempting thoughts. My heart is fixed, I spurn this carnal self within all its vain ambition and its pride.” For 40 days Jesus wrestled with His carnal self, but higher self prevailed.His

Six disciples followed Jesus

Among the followers of John were men form Galilee. The most devout were Andrew, Simon, James and John, with Philip and his brother of Bethsaida. When they heard John exclaimed,

“Behold the Christ,” they followed Jesus. When Jesus looked in Simon’s face, He said, “Behold a rock! And Peter is your name.” Philip found Nathaniel sitting by a tree and said, “My brother, come with me for I have found the Christ! In Nazareth He abides.” Nathaniel replied, “Can anything come out of Nazareth?”

Philip answered, “Come and see.”

The six disciples went with Jesus to the Place where He abode. Peter

said, “We long have sought for Christ. We came from Galilee to John; we thought that he was Christ, but he confessed to us that he was not. That he was but the harbinger sent forth to clear the way, and make the pathway easy for the coming King… We would gladly follow where you go, Lord, tell us what to do.”

Jesus exclaimed, “The foxes of the earth have homes, the birds have nests, I have no place to lay my head. He who would follow me must give up all the cravings of the self and lose his life in saving lives.”

Jesus tells how to become pure in heart

Jesus speaks to the people in Bethany. He tells them how to become pure in heart. “The kingdom truly is at hand; but men can see it not with carnal eyes; they cannot see the king upon his throne. This is the kingdom of soul; its throne is not an earthly throne its king is not a man.”

Human kings conquer other kings by force of arms. One kingdom rises on the ruins of another. But when our Father-God sets up the kingdom of the soul, He pours His blessings forth, like rain, upon the thrones of earthly kings who rule in righteousn­ess. Jesus said, “Do unto other men what you would have them do to you.” The difference between the kings of earth and the king of heaven

The kings of the earth are clothed in royal robes, and sit in state that man may stand in awe of them. A king of heaven may wear a fisher’s garb; may sit in the “mart of trade”; may till the soil, or be a gleaner in the field; and may be a slave in mortal chains.

He who will cleanse his mortal form and make it pure, so pure that love and righteousn­ess may dwell unsullied side by side within its walls, is King.

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