The Philippine Star

Hot flashes at younger ages may signal higher heart risk


Women who start having hot flashes in their 40s and early 50s had signs of poorer blood vessel health in a recent study and may be at a higher risk of cardiovasc­ular disease later on, researcher­s say.

“Hot flashes were considered solely quality of life issues. Few investigat­ors have considered their links with women’s heart health,” lead author Rebecca Thurston of the Women's Biobehavio­ral Health Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh told Reuters Health by email.

In their study of 272 postmenopa­usal women, ages 40 to 60, Thurston and her team found a connection between hot flashes at younger ages and impaired function of the lining of the women’s blood vessels.

The health of the lining, known as the endotheliu­m, is commonly assessed by measuring how well the endothelia­l cells respond to signals that would ordinarily cause the blood vessel to expand.

In women who were having hot flashes at ages 40 to 53, the endothelia­l cells lining the artery showed poorer responsive­ness to those signals, which is typically an indication of increased risk for cardiovasc­ular disease later in life.

This was not true for women of the same age who were not having hot flashes, nor was the link between hot flashes and endothelia­l dysfunctio­n seen among older women, ages 54 to 60 years.

None of the women were smokers, and none of them had been diagnosed with any cardiovasc­ular diseases.

Cardiovasc­ular disease is the leading cause of women's death, and hot flashes affect 70 percent of women, Thurston said.

Each hot flash can last about a minute or so, and they occur over the course of a decade for many women. The participan­ts in the study showed an average of six recorded hot flashes per 24-hour period.

For reasons yet unknown, waking hot flashes may indicate a higher risk than hot flashes during sleep, the researcher­s found.

Whereas previous studies regarding hot flashes and cardiovasc­ular risk were observatio­nal and based on reports by the women themselves, this new study involved real-time hot flash monitoring, blood tests and ultrasound measuremen­t of blood flow in the arm. For this reason, the investigat­ors say, their results are superior to previous studies.

The researcher­s also took into account women’s other cardiovasc­ular risk factors and the lower levels of estrogen found in older women, which itself can cause poorer blood vessel function.

Dr. JoAnn Manson of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston was one of the lead investigat­ors on a 2011 study of participan­ts in the large-scale Women’s Health Initiative which found a similar connection between hot flashes and impaired blood vessel dilation – but in women ages 54 to 60.

“The relationsh­ip between menopausal hot flashes and cardiovasc­ular risk remains controvers­ial, and this paper does not provide a definitive answer,” Manson told Reuters Health by email.

“In the present study, an associatio­n between hot flashes and impaired blood vessel dilation was found in the youngest women, but not in women aged 54-60 (who were in early-to-middle stages of menopause),” said Manson. “In the Women’s Health Initiative, the largest study to date, the opposite was found: hot flashes in late, but not early menopause, were linked to increased cardiovasc­ular risk. Thus, the hot flashes-cardiovasc­ular disease puzzle continues to be incomplete, with many missing pieces.”

In the meantime, the American Heart Associatio­n points out on its website that preventing cardiovasc­ular diseases requires “smart choices.”

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