The Philippine Star

‘hearth’ at Vibrant Art studio


Siblings Joshua and Hannah Barrera and their schoolmate Nigel Villaceran are part of the group show “Hearth: Heritage and Art at the Pablo Antonio Home” top-billed by Pandy Aviado, which opens on June 10 at Vibrant Art Studio, the ancestral home of National Artist for Architectu­re Pablo S. Antonio, on Zamora St., Pa- say City.

Joshua and Hannah are Antonio’s great grandchild­ren. Vibrant Art Studio, a portmantea­u for the surnames of the young artists, sums up their collective output.

Joshua, Hannah and Nigel are studying at Meridian Internatio­nal Learning Experience.

For inquiries, call 831-8407.

 ??  ?? Nigel Villaceran, Joshua Barrera and Hannah Barrera
Nigel Villaceran, Joshua Barrera and Hannah Barrera
 ??  ?? Joshua Barrera
Joshua Barrera
 ??  ?? Hannah Barrera
Hannah Barrera
 ??  ?? Nigel Villaceran
Nigel Villaceran

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