The Philippine Star

PPP mode proposed for LGU infra projects


The Public-Private Partnershi­p (PPP) Center is urging local government units (LGUs) to consider the PPP mode as a viable option in implementi­ng their infrastruc­ture projects.

The center signed recently with the League of Cities (LCP) of the Philippine­s a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) for the provision of assistance to LGUs in implementi­ng projects via the PPP route.

PPP Center was represente­d by its executive director Ferdinand Pecson while LCP was represente­d by its national president Edgardo Pamintuan.

“PPP is one of the pillars of the administra­tion’s infrastruc­ture strategy. What we need to do is come up with more projects from LGUs through the PPP route,” Pecson said in a statement.

“We welcome this collaborat­ion between the PPP Center and the League of Cities of the Philippine­s as our partners in PPPs,” he added.

Pamintuan welcomed the strategy but stressed the importance of building awareness among LGUs on how PPPs could be used in developmen­tal strategy.

“Educate us more on PPPs, and we will educate fellow city members,” he was quoted in the statement.

The center said the MOU with the LCP is part of a larger project to establish a protocol for stakeholde­r engagement for local PPP projects.

Pecson said stakeholde­r consultati­on is done to solicit inputs and suggestion­s from LGUs in improving PPP implementa­tion in the localities and help address problems encountere­d by the LGUs.

“The PPP Center is very much behind the League of Cities in their pursuit of developmen­t through infrastruc­ture projects, specifical­ly through PPPs. The upcoming consultati­on will further boost this partnershi­p,” he said.

At the national level, PPP is shunned in favor of project financing using official developmen­t assistance (ODA) loans and funding from multilater­al developmen­t banks (MDBs).

A so-called hybrid financing mode for large projects is also being considered, meaning a combinatio­n of ODA loan proceeds and loans from MDBs.

In terms of implementa­tion, the national government has expressed preference for a socalled hybrid PPPs in which the government would build the hard infrastruc­ture while the operations and maintenanc­e component would be bid out to the private sector.

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