Cnn Phl will provide in-depth SOnA coverage
Marking his second year in office, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (photo) will deliver his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 24. CNN Philippines will have extended, live and in-depth coverage starting at 5 a.m.
In addition to news programs, CNN Philippines is set to air two special programs on the same day: CNN Philippines Presents Pescador: Buhay Sa Laot, gets to the heart of the high-stakes dispute between the Philippines and China over the West Philippine Sea, while CNN Philippines Presents Inside Marawi: Hamon ng
Pagbangon, recounts the various stories of struggle and strife in the Marawi armed conflict. These two tales have been significant touch points in the Duterte presidency and are expected to be highlighted in this year’s SONA.
Pescador: Buhay sa Laot premieres tonight at 8 with replays on July 24 at 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Inside Marawi: Hamon
sa Pagbangon premieres tomorrow night 8 with replays on July 24 at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
CNN Philippines anchors and correspondents will cover the event with extended live news coverage and postspeech analysis featuring key newsmakers and subject matter experts. Tune in to CNN Philippines on Facebook (, via live streaming at, and on free TV Channel 9, as the President of the Philippines discusses the state of the nation as well as his action plans for the year ahead.