The Philippine Star

Cnn Phl will provide in-depth SOnA coverage


Marking his second year in office, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (photo) will deliver his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 24. CNN Philippine­s will have extended, live and in-depth coverage starting at 5 a.m.

In addition to news programs, CNN Philippine­s is set to air two special programs on the same day: CNN Philippine­s Presents Pescador: Buhay Sa Laot, gets to the heart of the high-stakes dispute between the Philippine­s and China over the West Philippine Sea, while CNN Philippine­s Presents Inside Marawi: Hamon ng

Pagbangon, recounts the various stories of struggle and strife in the Marawi armed conflict. These two tales have been significan­t touch points in the Duterte presidency and are expected to be highlighte­d in this year’s SONA.

Pescador: Buhay sa Laot premieres tonight at 8 with replays on July 24 at 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Inside Marawi: Hamon

sa Pagbangon premieres tomorrow night 8 with replays on July 24 at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

CNN Philippine­s anchors and correspond­ents will cover the event with extended live news coverage and postspeech analysis featuring key newsmakers and subject matter experts. Tune in to CNN Philippine­s on Facebook (­ines), via live streaming at cnnphilipp­, and on free TV Channel 9, as the President of the Philippine­s discusses the state of the nation as well as his action plans for the year ahead.

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