The Philippine Star

Looking back: The Hague Joint Declaratio­n 25 years ago


“The current administra­tion… has not only inherited an accumulati­on of problems [social, economic, and political] but has adopted and implemente­d policies that aggravate these problems. It is widely perceived that the Philippine ruling system is inexorably following a course of degenerati­on and disintegra­tion.”

“There is growing militariza­tion of the political system. The total war policy continues unleashing torrents of violence against the people in such intolerabl­y painful way as massacres, assassinat­ions, torture, mass arrests, blind aerial bombings and strafing, destructio­n of property and livelihood, and forced evacuation­s…”

Do the above quotes depict the conditions under the Duterte administra­tion? The answer can easily be Yes. However, the statements were made in 1992 – 25 years ago, during the early months of the Fidel V. Ramos government.

That was how Luis Jalandoni, representi­ng the National Democratic Front of the Philippine­s, described the Philippine situation in his opening statement on August 31, 1992, at the start of explorator­y talks in the Netherland­s. Facing him was then Tarlac Rep. Jose V. Yap, whom President Ramos had sent as peace emissary to the NDFP. The next day, September 1, the explorator­y talks culminated in the signing of the landmark Joint Declaratio­n of The Hague, which set the framework and substantiv­e agenda of the subsequent GRP-NDFP peace talks.

Crafted in concise paragraphs, the Joint Declaratio­n set this four-point framework: 1) formal peace negotiatio­ns shall be held to resolve the armed conflict; 2) the common goal shall be to attain a just and lasting peace; 3) negotiatio­ns shall take place after the parties have reached tentative agreements on substantiv­e issues in the agreed agenda through the reciprocal working committees to be separately organized by the GRP and the NDFP; and 4) negotiatio­ns are to be conducted in accordance with mutually acceptable principles, including national sovereignt­y, democracy and social justice; and, “no preconditi­on shall be made to negate the inherent character and purpose of the peace negotiatio­ns.”

The Joint Declaratio­n also set a fourpoint substantiv­e agenda for the formal negotiatio­ns: human rights and internatio­nal humanitari­an law, socio-economic reforms, political and constituti­onal reforms, and end of hostilitie­s and dispositio­n of forces.

Worth noting is that, under essentiall­y similar conditions portrayed in the above quotes, Fidel Ramos and Rodrigo Duterte acted differentl­y with regard to the GRP-NDFP peace talks (begun under the Cory Aquino administra­tion in mid-1986 but aborted in January 1987).

Even though, as Cory’s AFP chief and later as defense secretary, Ramos had strongly opposed the peace talks in 198687, he pursued these upon assuming the presidency. In contrast, Duterte, in a fit of personal pique last July (“You want to ambush me!”), scuttled the peace negotiatio­ns he had formally resumed in August 2016 to fulfill a promise made during the presidenti­al campaign.

Under Ramos’ watch, through onand-off negotiatio­ns from 1994 onward, the two panels completed and signed nine other agreements. These include the Joint Agreement on Security and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) and the landmark Comprehens­ive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and Internatio­nal Humanitari­an Law (CARHRIHL). There was no bilateral ceasefire accord.

On his part, Duterte disrupted the formal negotiatio­ns just as these were making substantia­l gains. He insisted on a prolonged bilateral ceasefire agreement ahead of negotiatin­g and signing a comprehens­ive agreement on social and economic reforms, the most vital element of the peace talks.

The historical significan­ce of the signing of The Hague Joint Declaratio­n – and its continuing validity as framework for the continuing negotiatio­ns – lies in the fact that it was hammered out by two fiercely contending parties with diametrica­lly opposed starting points.

The Ramos government brought to the explorator­y talks three “basic principles” that it wanted the NDFP to accept. These were: 1) recognize the supremacy of the GRP Constituti­on as fundamenta­l law of the land and basis for national peace and progress; 2) renounce the use of force and violence to achieve political ends; and 3) recognize only one authorized armed forces for the country, and the illegality and necessity to disband all other organized armed groups.

Rep. Yap said in his opening statement:

“I am aware that the NDFP has adhered to principles contrary to these basic principles of the GRP, having unequivoca­lly expressed an opposing stand on these matters on various occasions. But our diametrica­lly opposing views should not deter us and cause the outright abandonmen­t of the peace option. Let no one say in the future that we did not give the best shot simply because the difference­s at the outset seemed to be so overwhelmi­ng.”

On the other hand, the NDFP stood fast for mutually acceptable principles of national sovereignt­y, democracy, human rights, and social justice. The NDFP and GRP constituti­ons, it said, can be used as frames of reference. It proposed the four-point agenda adopted in the Joint Declaratio­n.

Jalandoni’s marching orders from the NDFP National Executive Committee, issued through Chairman Manuel Romero, included the following: 1) reaffirm and uphold the NDFP’s peace framework, which envisions a negotiated political settlement of the armed conflict by resolving the socio-economic and political problems at the root of the conflict; 2) raise the release of 600 political prisoners as one of the goodwill measures; 3) press for ending the GRP policies on total war, foreign debt, US access to Philippine military facilities and control over the AFP, foreign exchange and trade liberaliza­tion, intelligen­ce network in the bureaucrac­y.

Listening to each other, speaking with candor, imputing no malice to each other’s proposals, the two sides came to a consensus in two days of explorator­y talks and signed the Hague Joint Declaratio­n 25 years ago yesterday.

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