The Philippine Star

IBD, Clostridiu­m difficile share complicate­d relationsh­ip


Inflammato­ry bowel disease increases the risk severity of Clostridiu­m difficile infection, while CDI tends to complicate and worsen the clinical practice update.

Thus, it is crucial that clinical pursue stool testing for toxigenic C. difficile infection whenever a patient with IBD presents with a colitis flare, regardless of the recent antibiotic history, wrote the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Clinicians should also test for recurrent CDI if symptoms of colitis persist or return after antibiotic therapy for CDI was emphasized.

CDI is on the rise and now causes about 29,000 deaths annually in the United Stated, surpassing the combined death count from methicilin-resistant Staphyloco­ccus aureus and multidrug resistant gram -negative bacteria. Reasons for this concerning trend include rising antibiotic use, population aging, and underlying IBD are at particular risk of hospitaliz­ation, intensific­ation of medical therapies for IBD, and surgery. Rates of CDI have risen among both the ulcerative colitis, perhaps because these patients are more likely to have colonic dysbiosis.

CDI can present atypically in IBD. Underlying colitis leads to colonic dysbiosis and loss of resistance to bacterial colonizati­on, which permits CDI to develop even when patients have not recently received antibiotic­s. Patients with IBD also tends to develop CDI starting at younger ages, more often acquire it from community settings, and may lack the typical colonoscop­ic features of CDI. Simple colonizati­on of C. difficile without infection also is more common in patients with IBD than in those without IBD, the experts note.

The authors contradict guidelines from both the American College of Gastroente­rology and Infectious Disease Society of America by recommendi­ng considerat­ion of vancomycin over metronidaz­ole for treatment of CDI. Not only are C. difficile treatment failures with metronidaz­ole in a recent post hoc analysis of two multicente­r phase III trials. Furthermor­e, another phase III trials found vancomycin noninferio­r to fitdaxomic­in for CDI.

The experts recommend “strong considerat­ion” of hospitaliz­ation if patients with IBD and CDI present with profuse diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, a markedly increased peripheral blood leukocyte count, or other signs and symptoms of sepsis. Aggressive monitoring and treatment are especially important because it can be difficult to distinguis­h an IBD flare, which merits immunosupp­ression, from superimpos­ed CDI, which might exacerbate the underlying infection, they noted. Few studies are available to help guide the decision about when to intensify steroids and other immunosupp­ressives in IBD patients with acute CDI. Thus, the experts suggest delaying this step until after starting therapy for CDI, but note that this decision should be individual­ized pending more robust data.

The authors emphasized the potential role of fecal microbiota transplant­ation (FMT), which has been shown to be very effective in both immunocomp­etent patients with CDI and those who are immunosupp­ressed, including because of IBD therapies. They recommend considerin­g referral for FMT as early as the first recurrence of CDI in patients with IBD, particular­ly because of the strong safety and efficacy profile of FMT, the risk of complicati­ons from CDI in IBD patients, and scare data on antibiotic therapy for recurrent CDI in the setting of IBD.

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