The Philippine Star

Year of the Earth Dog

Solidarity and brotherhoo­d


AMONG ALL THE ANIMAL SIGNS IN THE CHINESE ZODIAC, the Dog is the one closest to man. As a pet and companion, it is known for loyalty, intelligen­ce and honesty. These characteri­stics plus the prevailing zodiac elements will have significan­t influences on everyone in 2018.

In the Chinese horoscope, the lunar year is influenced by five basic elements – metal, earth, wood, fire or water. The relationsh­ips or interactio­ns between the five elements determine what’s going to be in store for us during the year.

The Year of the Earth Dog, which begins on Feb. 16, 2018 and will end on Feb. 4, 2019, will be ruled primarily by the Earth element. Secondaril­y, the Fire and Metal elements will also have significan­t effects on our lives. How these three elements will interact with our personal birth elements will determine our respective fortunes this year.

General Prospects for 2018

In our personal lives, 2018 will be a good time to change our lifestyles – be more health conscious and quit smoking, or go on a diet regimen; spend more time with the family rather than go clubbing regularly; change residence; or even start a new career. In order to succeed with most of our goals, it is important to keep in mind two key words – solidarity and brotherhoo­d.

For those born under the Earth element, the year will get most of you grounded and more firm with your plans. The past Year of the Rooster got us scrambling for opportunit­ies that came our way. Now, you will be able to settle down into a definite path and move on with more confidence.

The signs that are most compatible to the energy of the Dog are the Tiger, Rabbit and Horse. Success will come your way profession­ally, financiall­y and emotionall­y. You will see your efforts and hard work these past years bear fruit. Those unattached will have good prospects for romance while those already in a relationsh­ip will experience new emotional highs.

Dragons, Sheep and Roosters will find the Year of the Earth Dog daunting and they will be faced with challenges in their personal and profession­al lives. It is advisable to slow down a little, take stock of what you have achieved last year and build on these achievemen­ts rather than venture into new directions and projects.

Among members of civil society, the Dog’s intelligen­ce and protective instinct will prevail and people will be sensitive to human rights, protection of civil liberties and political transgress­ions. There will be loud manifestat­ions and demands for social and political change. Leaders with selfish motives, hidden agenda and masked personal ambitions will be exposed amid cries for truth and justice. The arts and the creative force of mankind will play a pivotal role in unmasking and bringing down self-serving leadership­s.

The Earth element provides very grounded and stable situations in 2018. However, the interplay with the other two prevailing elements, Fire and Metal, both of which are volatile, will produce instabilit­y during certain times of the year. So expect some earthquake­s, landslides and volcanic eruptions of major proportion­s.

On a positive note, the world will revel at groundbrea­king industrial and technologi­cal ventures that will revolution­ize the way we live. One such area is energy production that is compatible with global environmen­tal goals.

Industries involved in recycling, renewable energy, insurance, health and welfare, constructi­on, agricultur­e and real estate will experience considerab­le growth in the Year of the Earth Dog.

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