The Philippine Star

Hidden treasure


Search for [insight and understand­ing] as for hidden treasure.

— Proverbs 2:4 My husband and I read in different ways. Since English is a second language for Tom, he has a tendency to read slowly, word-for-word. I often speed-read by skimming. But Tom retains more than I do. He can easily quote something he read a week ago, while my retention can evaporate seconds after I turn away from the screen or book.

Skimming is also a problem when I’m reading the Bible — and not just the genealogie­s. I’m tempted to skim familiar passages, stories I’ve heard since I was a child, or a psalm that is part of a familiar chorus.

Proverbs 2 encourages us to make the effort to know God better by carefully seeking a heart of understand­ing. When we read the Bible carefully and invest time memorizing Scripture, we absorb its truths more deeply (vv. 1-2). Sometimes reading the Word aloud helps us to hear and understand the wisdom of God more fully. And when we pray the words of Scripture back to God and ask Him for “insight and understand­ing” (v. 3), we enjoy a conversati­on with the Author.

We come to know God and His wisdom when we search for it with our whole heart. We find understand­ing when we seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure.

— Cindy Hess Kasper Dear Lord, help me to slow down and listen to what You want to teach me through Your Word so I can be the person You want me to be.

READ: Proverbs 2:1-5 Read the Bible carefully and study it prayerfull­y. Bible in a Year: Exodus 34-35 and Matthew 22:23-46

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