The Philippine Star

Filipina nurses make great ‘green card’ caregivers


Several years ago, Filipina nurses had a fast track to green cards, as their priority was “current.” They could be immediatel­y petitioned by hospitals or medical facilities for green cards and obtain work authorizat­ion even if they arrived as tourist. Those days are gone.

Now, because of the wait for a green card, hospitals are no longer willing to petition nurses. In addition, in order to practice, they must pass Visa Screen, or NCLEX.

I’ve come across many Filipina nurses who steadfastl­y want to practice nursing. I admire and respect their resolve. However, jobs are not readily available in the US for nurses, because hospital facilities don’t want to wait for years for the nurse to get a green card and pass for visa screen.

Obviously, aBS N graduate/ licensed nurse in the Philippine­s is qualified to provide caregiving in the US. The pay is probably higher than what they are earning in the Philippine­s. In addition, the waiting time or processing time for green card as between nurse and caregiver is the SAME – about two years. There are so many healthcare facilities in need of caregivers, which Philippine nurses would obviously qualify for.

If you have a relative in the Philippine­s who is a nurse, she/he may want to think about being petitioned as a caregiver, which is an equally rewarding career. Both jobs deal with taking care of the sick, the elderly and those in need of profession­al medical care.

Michael J. Gurfinkel has been an attorney for over 35 years and is licensed, and an active member of the State Bars of California and New York. All immigratio­n services are provided by, or under the supervisio­n of, an active member of the State Bar of California. Each case is different and results may depend on the facts of the particular case. The informatio­n and opinions contained herein (including testimonia­ls, “Success Stories,” endorsemen­ts and re-enactments) are of a general nature, and are not intended to apply to any particular case, and do not constitute a prediction, warranty, guarantee or legal advice regarding the outcome of your legal matter. No attorney-client relationsh­ip is, or shall be, establishe­d with any reader. WEBSITE: Follow us on­aw and Twitter @GurfinkelL­aw

Call Toll free to schedule a consultati­on for anywhere in the US: 1-866-487-3465 (866) – GURFINKEL


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