The Philippine Star

Vilma Santos’ grand debut


More than 40 years ago, Vilma Santos turned 18, (Nov. 3, 1971). Her grand debut party was held at the posh Presidenti­al Hall of The Plaza in Makati, attended by celebritie­s and other familiar names in and out of the movie world.

Style magazine covered the event. Vilma’s gown was a creation of Sonia Aquino, who later served as mayor of Tanauan, Batangas. Photos by Bob’s and cake by Joni’s.

Vilma, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amado Santos, and Edgar Mortiz (then the debutante’s favorite leading man) received the guests. The guest list included: Eddie Peregrina (deceased) and Esperanza Fabon, now justice of the Court of Tax Appeals.

Mildred Ortega (later wife of Gen. Mitch Templo).

Ricky Belmonte (deceased) and Rosemarie Sonora, based in California.

Panamin secretary Manuel ‘Manda’ Elizalde (deceased). Janine Frias and Baby de Jesus. From a pretty debutante in the ‘70s, Vilma turned into an awardwinni­ng actress, Star for All Seasons and much-esteemed public servant. First as Lipa mayor for nine years and then as Batangas governor, also for nine years. Vilma is the incumbent congresswo­man of Lipa. Photos are from Style magazine.

 ??  ?? Vilma Santos on the cover of Style
Vilma Santos on the cover of Style
 ??  ?? …with parents Mr. and Mrs. Amado Santos and Edgar Mortiz on the reception line
…with parents Mr. and Mrs. Amado Santos and Edgar Mortiz on the reception line
 ??  ?? …with Eddie Peregrina and Esperanza Fabon
…with Eddie Peregrina and Esperanza Fabon
 ??  ?? …dancing with Papa Santos
…dancing with Papa Santos
 ??  ?? …Ricky Belmonte and Rosemarie Sonora
…Ricky Belmonte and Rosemarie Sonora
 ??  ?? …with Mildred Ortega
…with Mildred Ortega
 ??  ??

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