The Philippine Star



Sun Square Saturn Just as ancient man mistakenly believed the sun orbited the Earth, young humans mistakenly assume that the rest of the world revolves around them. Some never outgrow it. It’s not enough to have compassion for these people. The sun square to Saturn forces us to work with and around one another’s handicaps, including crippling narcissism.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).

With the solar energy coursing through you these days, you’re like a warrior without a king. To plot out your own mission will be your job and your pleasure today.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Maybe you’re not the first one to have the idea, but that shouldn’t stop you from acting on it. The inventor is celebrated yet often not paid nearly as well as those who use and/or market the idea well.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).

It’s the little decisions – such as what to drink (plain water is best) where to sit (front row) and whom to talk to (the one in charge, or the one paying the most attention) – that will make the biggest difference to your destiny.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).

Boredom could bring things to a screeching halt. An exciting diversion is actually just what’s needed to get everything back on track. After the hoopla, new energy can be marshalled to fuel the next three to five beats of your project.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

For thousands of years, humans have naturally organized into tribes, and they still do. While a shared culture is a source of well-being, it can also be quite the opposite. Today you’ll need equal time with the group and away from it.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).

You long to be a freelancer in some regard. With only your own expectatio­ns to answer to, you feel you could break out of a mold to deliver more exciting and relevant results. You’re right about this, so be bold.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

The fault and the credit have had unpredicta­ble landings recently. They have been handed to you or have eluded you undeserved­ly. Today will be contrastin­gly straightfo­rward. You’ll be held directly responsibl­e.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

The discipline that will help you most today is the discipline of compartmen­talization. Everything in its place. Like all manners of discipline, it will take great effort in the beginning and then get easier as the practice becomes engrained.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).

No matter how big or small your group is, you want to be something special to your people. You want to make a difference. You want to be “famous to the family.” This intention will take you far.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).

Keep trying different things. You’re about to find your purpose, your edge and your advantage. You’re very close to figuring out how to deliver what’s needed in an entirely different way.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

What’s right and useful and joyful isn’t always what’s time-tested, readily available and accepted as “normal” in the group. That’s why you’ll benefit from wandering out on your own a bit today in search of different options.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

You will draw people close to you without consciousl­y realizing what you are doing or why. This natural magnetism is always in you, but you tone it down sometimes, and appropriat­ely so. Today, leave it strong.


The one who used to inspire you may no longer, and you aren’t jealous of the same person, either. Your goals are changing and so will your influence, motivation and purpose during this truly transforma­tive solar return. A rich personal life will open the door to different places and experience­s in July. Sagittariu­s and Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 33, 38, 20 and 11.


“I’m having a problem at work. I work at a company where the men outnumber the women 7 to 1. I have been at the same job for five years and have been over- looked for promotions (that went to men) twice. Often in meetings I voice an idea and no one says anything. Ten minutes or so later, one of my male colleagues will state the idea as though it were his and get a (usually favorable) response. The first time this happened I was shocked. Now I’m just used to it. My question is, should I move on to a new company? I’m a Scorpio.”

No, you should not. You will have the same problem in the new company, unless you learn the lesson that this unfortunat­e situation is teaching you. It is not acceptable that you should let others take credit, or blame as the case may be, for your ideas. Scorpios can be quiet, private and introverte­d – qualities that do not serve you in a meeting. When you speak and do not get a response, ask for one; demand one if you have to. Make sure you are heard. Make it impossible to ignore you. Write a script for yourself about how you will handle this scenario in the future.

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