The Philippine Star



Moon of the People A person who time traveled to today from 1998 might be stunned by how much we now rely on machines to connect, entertain and inform us; to help us get places; to buy things; and to do our jobs. The Libra moon rallies for human interactio­n today because, as fantastic as machines are, nothing competes with the human touch.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).

Scientists suggest that people who believe they are good at multitaski­ng often do the worst on laboratory tests having to do with multitaski­ng. What needs doing will be accomplish­ed by a singularly focused mind.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Someone who seeks security is not going to understand your need for excitement and risk, but maybe they’ll still be a good counterbal­ance to your team.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).

In improv groups, at Disneyland or in friendly games of pretend among friends, the rule is: “Don’t break the magic.” Either commit fully to the make-believe world or don’t even go there.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).

You’re brave and insightful. Friends appreciate this about you. However, those who don’t want to be known or are afraid of being found out might be nervous around your observant eye.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

How can you maintain a relaxed state around people who make you nervous? Spend time there when you’re alone. The more time you spend in a relaxed-but-active state of mind, the better you’ll be able to access it when you need to.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).

Show yourself that you care about your own comfort. To be pampered isn’t always to be spoiled. Sometimes it’s just the way of getting back to yourself, reminding yourself that the body you live in needs care, too.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

Group dynamics are influenced by logistics and will change in different spaces, locations and cultures. A family member who is at a distance is thinking of you and may even be thinking of moving closer to you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

You’re getting to know someone. It will happen in small, lightheart­ed interactio­ns. In time, you’ll realize that memory has woven these positive short interactio­ns into a strong bond.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).

You really admire the kind of people who will put aside their own baggage, reservatio­ns and preference­s in order to fit into and appreciate the situation at hand. You’re like this, too.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).

People want to know that they’ve been helpful, that they’ve been seen and that they matter. Does the content of the small talk really make a difference? Don’t argue semantics. Give attention.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

The first time you take a trip always seems longer than subsequent trips down the same road, even when it’s not. It’s because you’re noticing more. Noticing doesn’t take longer. It actually gives you more time per second.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

When you care about something, you slow down to understand it as thoroughly as you can. You read it instead of scan it, eat it instead of taste it, use it instead of try it. Focus on what you care about, and focus deeply on it.


You’ll become a role model. Your excellence in an area is part of this, but it’s not the biggest part. Your success has more to do with the way people feel around you: nurtured, helped and seen. You make wondrous things happen, many of which you’ll get to enjoy, and a lot you’ll never know about, as your kindness has a life beyond you. Leo and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 40, 13, 6, 1 and 35.


“Can a Leo and Aquarius reconcile? I know these signs are fighting the odds astrologic­ally. We have been on-and-off for decades now. When it’s good, it’s amazing. But the last breakup was so painful that I thought I could never go through another one with him, so I stayed away. I worry now that that no one will ever make me feel the way he does again. Our love is spiritual. I know that now, and I want it back. Alas, he’s in another relationsh­ip now. I think I could get him to reconsider. Should I?” (Birthdays withheld for confidenti­ality.)

Your signs oppose one another in the sky, and sometimes you just can’t resist polarizing in your relationsh­ip, too. Your Leo is quite proud, and he needs plenty of amorous attention. And though he can be very dramatic, he doesn’t like it when you are. You both have a strong strain of Capricorn planets, and as you mature you will want the stability of a solid commitment, shared assets, a compatible view of the future and, more than any of those, you’ll want to depend on and be dependable to one another. Prove that you’re through with the roller coaster of love and ready to be a partner for good and he’s likely to give it a real try with you.

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