The Philippine Star

HAGIKHIK (Phrynium sp.)


Hagikhik is a plant growing in wet areas of the country (Eastern side). It grows in soil that is moist to wet for most part of the year. Related to the arrowroot plant, it is commonly used in Bicol, Panay, Samar, and Leyte up to Northern Mindanao as food wrapper. The leaves aside from providing protection to the food impart a very delicate flavor to the product.

It finds its widest usage in the province of Samar where several products are wrapped in this leaves: moron, latik sa lihia , kurukod, ira-id butig and ira-id balinghoy. In other regions : Pinuso (Tabaco, Albay, also called Binanban), Arasip (Capiz), Sagmani (Leyte), Binabac (Antique), Kinagang (Sorsogon ) and Budbod Cabug (Leyte) are just some of the products that use the foliage of Hagikhik..

In Samar area alone, the Hagikhik leaves used are actually from 3 different species of Phryniums: Phrynium pubinerve (red fruits), Phrynium interruptu­m (orange fruits) and Phrynium maximum (also called Phacelophr­ynium bracteosum, green fruit hidden inside large bracts).

This versatile leaf may be used in pinais and other viands that are pre-cooked prior to steaming. Leaves were reportedly used as G-string in South CotabatoMi­ndanao. The infloresce­nce of Phrynium maximum may be dried and bleached for dried flower use. The pliable stems may be used for basket weaving.

Efforts are now being done to develop these plants for future use.

For Hagikhik related recipes please check out https:// vagabondve­ggie.wordpress. com/2010/08/08/manangdayd­ays-suman-latik/ To learn more about Philippine Phryniums, read http:// pdf/tai.2010.55.28.pdf

 ??  ?? Phrynium bracteosum has all the fruits hidden under the bracts.
Phrynium bracteosum has all the fruits hidden under the bracts.
 ??  ?? The general feature of a Hagikhik plant.
The general feature of a Hagikhik plant.
 ??  ?? Phrynium (Hagikhik) fruits. (top/orange fruits, Phrynium interruptu­m in box); (right,…red fruits, Phrynium pubinerve) and the elongated brown seed of Phrynium bracteosum
Phrynium (Hagikhik) fruits. (top/orange fruits, Phrynium interruptu­m in box); (right,…red fruits, Phrynium pubinerve) and the elongated brown seed of Phrynium bracteosum
 ??  ?? Phrynium interruptu­m has orange fruits with the fruits generally formed further apart.
Phrynium interruptu­m has orange fruits with the fruits generally formed further apart.
 ??  ?? Phrynium pubinerve has red fruits that are clustered.
Phrynium pubinerve has red fruits that are clustered.

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