The Philippine Star

Trump welcomes Americans freed by NoKor


WASHINGTON (AFP) — US President Donald Trump greeted three Americans released by North Korea at an air base near Washington early yesterday, underscori­ng a much needed diplomatic win and a stepping stone to a historic summit with Kim Jong-un.

Trump and first lady Melania made the short helicopter ride from the White House to Joint Base Andrews to personally welcome Kim Hak-song, Tony Kim and Kim Dong-chul back to the United States, after their release from North Korea on Wednesday.

The president and his wife strode up the steps into the blue and white plane to greet them privately before coming out before TV cameras in the middle of the night.

Trump praised Kim for freeing the Americans ahead of the planned summit between the two leaders.

One of the former prisoners waved his arms from atop the steps, and another while down on the tarmac.

“It was understood that we would be able to get these three terrific people during the meeting and bring them home after the meeting,” Trump said.

“He was nice in letting them go before the meeting. Frankly, we didn’t think this was going to happen. And it did.”

Remarking on the sudden shift in US relations with North Korea and the upcoming summit, Trump said: “We’re starting off on a new footing... he released the folks early. It’s a big thing. Very important to me.”

 ?? AFP ?? US President Donald Trump applauds as US detainee Kim Dongchul gestures upon his return with fellow detainees Kim Hak-song and Tony Kim (behind), after they were freed by North Korea, in Maryland yesterday.
AFP US President Donald Trump applauds as US detainee Kim Dongchul gestures upon his return with fellow detainees Kim Hak-song and Tony Kim (behind), after they were freed by North Korea, in Maryland yesterday.

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