The Philippine Star

A legacy life


A good name is more desirable than great riches. — Proverbs 22:1

While staying in a hotel in a small town I noticed that the church across the street was having a service. People were jammed into the church with a standing-room-only crowd of both young and old flowing out onto the sidewalk. When I noticed a hearse by the curb, I realized it was a funeral. And given the crowd, I assumed that it was the celebratio­n of the life of some local hero — perhaps a wealthy businesspe­rson or a famous personalit­y. Curious, I said to the desk clerk, “That’s an amazing turnout for a funeral; it must be for a famous person in town.”

“No,” he replied. “He wasn’t rich or famous but he was a good man.”

This reminded me of the wisdom of the proverb that says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches” (Prov. 22:1). It’s a good idea to think about what kind of legacy we are leaving for our family, friends, and neighbors. From God’s perspectiv­e it’s not our resumé or the amount of money we’ve accumulate­d that matters but rather the kind of life we have lived.

When a friend of mine passed away, his daughter wrote, “This world has lost a righteous man and in this world that is no small thing!” It’s that kind of legacy that we should be seeking for the glory of God. — Joe Stowell

Lord, help me to pursue a life that is pleasing to You and honors Your name. READ: Proverbs 22:1-16 Live to leave a legacy

for God’s glory. Bible in a Year: Psalms 91-93 and Romans 15:1-13

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