The Philippine Star

‘Put a ring on it’

- E-mail: utalk2ctal­ CITO BELTRAN

The Singer Beyoncé sang: “Put a Ring on it”; the rest of the world says, “Put up or Shut up.” Those two lines would be the challenge soon to be hurled at President Rodrigo Duterte by many Filipinos who believe or support Federalism and the proposed Federalist Charter. I understand the sense of frustratio­n and disappoint­ment of “Federalist­s” who feel somewhat set aside if not abandoned by President Duterte who has not been vocal or proactive in his support for Federalism and the proposed charter. Given the political will he has displayed on many controvers­ial actions of government, the “Federalist­s” are confused why Digong has not stepped in to keep the movement hot and alive. Even worse, why is the President allowing people in his team to speak against the proposed charter to the point of arguing against it?

What is “telling” for me is the discovery that after the proposed charter was submitted to Malacañang, the President turned it over to Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea. Hellooo! It’s not like ES Medialdea does not have enough problems as it is! History has taught us that if you want something as important as Federalism and a proposed constituti­on to be acted on don’t leave it at the office of the Executive Secretary because it’s busier than NAIA or Chicago airport during Christmas. So many hard working Executive Secretarie­s before ES Medialdea have been crucified for their output and ES Medialdea will ultimately be accused of not being fast enough.

The proposed charter and federalism requires a dedicated team, committee or commission. Someone in-charge, someone who wants the job and has the same passion to see the charter and Federalism come true. That someone has to be surrounded by a team of believing competent profession­als who are even more determined to see it through than the detractors of the charter and federalism. Sadly for the federalist­s, they now feel like the Apostles after the crucifixio­n asking why didn’t Jesus perform one of his many miracles, why didn’t he call thunder and lightning against the opposition?

Yes a number of federalist­s are asking why? Has President Duterte discovered something new? Has he discovered the virtues of the current political system and embraced it? Only time will tell. But in the mean time, I have from a very good source that the federalist­s will push hard to make the charter and federalism a campaign issue, meaning; those who oppose it will be opposed by millions of voters in Mindanao. Even the MILF, which now has political sway over the region have promised to give re-electionis­t senators and opponents of Federalism a whopping ZERO in 2019. In the kingdom of the Bullyboys, the standard solution is to find someone to blame. Whereas the King often only blames his perceived enemies, it seems that the king’s ministers have now turned on each other using each other as “Lightning rods” to draw away fault or responsibi­lity for their collective failure if not incompeten­ce. It is bad enough that they have been presenting temporary solutions or none. But now they have resorted to finding fault, throwing blame and actually encouragin­g the King’s critics to call for the resignatio­n of fellow officials.

Take for instance the rice shortage, the runaway inflation and price hikes on basic commoditie­s and more. Fault finders are now calling for the resignatio­n of the Secretary of the Department of Agricultur­e (DA) and the head of the National Food Authority (NFA) blaming them for the rice shortage and food prices. Ironic because it was the very same fault finders in and outside of government who were pushing for the removal of the NFA, stopping the NFA from performing its mandate. That political interferen­ce caused delays in the procuremen­t process, which is why we now have problems. Several Bullyboys and their pets have also been pushing for “Importatio­n” rather than local production and incentives. But when another branch of government particular­ly the Navy and Customs put an end to the rice smuggling in Zamboanga, they all came to realize that importatio­n comes with a very high price and great risk. The people of Zamboanga, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi are now paying the full price of cheap imported smuggled rice: No rice.

Ironically, the Bullyboys did not say a word to condemn local officials and businessme­n who benefitted and promoted the dependency on smuggled rice. Hardly anything was said to praise the Philippine Navy and the Bureau of Customs for shutting down smuggled rice in the south. Instead the Bullyboys are spending their time and energy criticizin­g and blaming Secretary Manny Piñol and DTI Secretary Mon Lopez for food shortages and high prices. Critics even have the gall to ask for Piñol’s resignatio­n. Interestin­gly, not one of them either Red or Yellow or whatever political color they wear, have come up with a real plan, backed by a strategy, time line and budget! All they’ve rolled out is saliva, emailed statements and interviews. If you are not part of the solution – don’t be part of the problem.

Don’t blame Piñol for the rice shortage until you have really studied how politician­s both local and national have their fingers in the pot in terms of smuggled rice and bribes. Don’t blame Piñol until the NFA is officially returned to him on paper and in fact. Last I heard, the Executive Order remains on the desk of the Executive Secretary in spite of orders from President Duterte to revert the NFA to the DA. Even if it has been done, so-called economists, politician­s and businessme­n, constantly oppose the NFA because it’s useful to beat up on the NFA to create a notion of lack or shortage, so traders can have an easier go at buying, trading as well as smuggling rice. Remember rice is the primary food eaten by over 100 million Filipinos three times a day. Any corrupt official or criminal trader making 5 to 10 centavos per 100 million is going to make sure he or she stays rich!

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