The Philippine Star

The continuing tragedy of the separated children

Just because mass separation­s have been halted doesn’t mean that the crisis is over.


“I didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated,” President Trump said on June 20, when he signed an executive order halting his administra­tion’s depraved practice of separating migrant children from parents seeking asylum at the nation’s southern border. “This will solve that problem.”

It may be that signing such an order was a matter of conscience for Mr. Trump — that he felt morally compelled to address the humanitari­an crisis caused by his own “zero tolerance” border policy.

But if so, the matter should still upset him. While family separation­s have slipped from the spotlight — allowing Mr. Trump to enjoy his morning executive time without enduring televised images of sobbing migrant children — the crisis itself is far from over. Hundreds of children remain separated from their parents. Many of those who have been reunited bear the scars of trauma. Migrant families continue to be rounded up into government detention centers, though now at least they are being held together.

With its zero-tolerance barbarism, the Trump administra­tion managed to do an impressive amount of damage in a very short time. In the six weeks the policy was in effect, more than 2,600 children were taken from their parents, with zero thought or planning for how the families might eventually be reunited.

Less than a week after the executive order, a federal judge, Dana Sabraw, ruling in a class-action suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, placed a temporary injunction on family separation­s and ordered the administra­tion to reunite all those it had already torn apart. A deadline of July 26 was set, with children under the age of 5 put on a fast track.

More than a month past that deadline, progress is mixed. After a bumpy start, and with occasional foot dragging on the government’s part, more than 2,000 children have been reunited with their parents. But the shadow of what these innocents have suffered lingers. Volunteers working with the families report signs of separation trauma and other mental health issues in the children. Some have become withdrawn and silent. Some panic around strangers. Others are terrified to let their parents out of their sight, even to use the bathroom. Medical profession­als warn of long-term emotional and psychologi­cal damage, including anxiety disorders, depression, trust issues, memory problems and developmen­tal delays.

And these are the “lucky” ones. As of late August, more than 500 children still languished in government custody — scared, confused and unsure of ever seeing their parents again. A few dozen have parents who have been deemed ineligible for reunificat­ion because of criminal records or other circumstan­ces. (Disqualify­ing offenses include drug-possession charges, ID violations and drunken-driving conviction­s.)

But in a majority of cases — 343, at last count — the parents in question have already been deported. Tracking them down is time-consuming, resource-intensive work for the nonprofit groups spearheadi­ng the effort. A steering committee put together by the ACLU has 50 people working the phones, guided by contact informatio­n provided to them, after some delay, by the government. Some numbers are worthless. Trickier still, some parents have melted back into the shadows of the devastated home countries from which they fled in terror. Groups like Justice in Motion have dispatched investigat­ors to search for these people in far-flung corners of Mexico and Central America. At a recent status hearing, Judge Sabraw expressed optimism that things appeared to be on a good trajectory. Even so, the ACLU expects the process to grind on for another couple of months. All the while, the children wait.

Predictabl­y, the Trump administra­tion has shown less enthusiasm for cleaning up this mess than it did for making it. Earlier this summer, it tried to weasel out of a big chunk of its reunificat­ion responsibi­lities by asserting that it was the ACLU’s job to locate all of the parents who had been deported by the administra­tion without their children. Once again, Judge Sabraw had to step in and call foul, ordering that the government coordinate with the ACLU.

Complicati­ng matters, the administra­tion has decreed that reunificat­ions must take place in the family’s country of origin. Which means that, once contacted, parents face an excruciati­ng choice: give up their children’s asylum claims and have them returned home, or leave the children in the United States to try to navigate the asylum process on their own.

Amid all this heartbreak, the court challenges continue to proliferat­e. The ACLU is pursuing claims on behalf of deported parents who say that, in the nightmaris­h chaos of having their children snatched from them, they were coerced or duped into signing away their own right to seek asylum. But proving such claims is not easy, and many of these men and women remain traumatize­d by what they have already been through.

Then there’s the question of where this situation is ultimately headed. The Trump administra­tion has made no move thus far to challenge the core injunction on family separation­s, but last week, during its weekly progress reports to Judge Sabraw, the Justice Department quietly filed a notice of appeal that preserves the government’s right to relitigate pretty much any aspect of the injunction. In notifying Judge Sabraw, Scott Stewart, a deputy assistant attorney general, assured the court that this was simply a matter of protocol that would not affect the continuing reunificat­ion process. But fights could arise, for instance, over whether deported parents should be allowed to return to America for reunificat­ion, or whether the government should bear any responsibi­lity for providing trauma care to the children whose lives it has shattered.

No one knows what elements of the injunction, if any, the administra­tion might decide to challenge. But given that this president’s political appeal has been built in no small part on his rabid immigrant bashing, it is best to remain vigilant.

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