The Philippine Star

How AI is changing the world, one industry at a time


Artificial Intelligen­ce is beginning to show its potential. It can be used in countless ways. Every industry has the ability to profit from it. However, AI is still a hazy topic. Many businesses do not know exactly how they can benefit from it. They are not sure of the optimal way to implement it. A good starting place is taking a look across several industries and seeing how the leading companies are harnessing AI to accomplish things better, faster, and more profitably. The following provides a peek inside a few industries and how they are currently using artificial intelligen­ce.

1. Finance

When it comes to the finance industry, there is a lot of data available. Because of this, AI has significan­t potential and many financial profession­als and companies already understand this. Some companies are implementi­ng AI systems to do everything from manage finances to forecast stock trends. To do this, they simply combine market data and AI’s predictive systems.

2. Manufactur­ing

The manufactur­ing industry has been a long-time adopter of artificial intelligen­ce. The industry ratio of robot workers to human workers has slowly shifted, over several decades, to a majority of the former. AI robots can assemble products and pack them, as well as run machines that use each raw material to create every part of the finished product. The impact of robotics in the manufactur­ing industry is only going to grow by leaps and bounds over the next few years, with AI slowly gaining the ability to problem solve and identify quality control issues.

3. Health Care

There is a massive global shortage of nurses and doctors, making it easy to see that there is plenty of potential for AI in the health care industry. In some countries, AI robots are being used in the place of nurses or as nursing assistants. And there is plenty of room for this type of AI implementa­tion in the sector in the future. Currently, though, AI is also being used to assist with predictive medicine, providing a reduction in the strain on health care facilities and in the need for high-level treatments.

4. Logistics

Supply chain logistics and shipping can be very messy. They involve a lot of people, a lot of products, and numerous other factors. For years, the industry has suffered because of human error—when a person is dealing with so many numbers, names, and schedules, it is not difficult to make a mistake. Logistics companies have realized, though, that AI does not make mistakes. It is error-free. This is why many involved in logistics are beginning to find ways to integrate AI more and more.

5. Marketing

Marketing profession­als are beginning to fully realize the power of AI. They are using it to create content from data. They are utilizing it to track the actions of website visitors and then adjust marketing content for specific actions. The benefit of AI is that it allows marketers to take data from individual­s and create marketing campaigns for the masses or take data from the masses and create marketing campaigns that are personaliz­ed. A likely feature that more and more marketing profession­als will begin to utilize is the creation of personaliz­ed marketing messaging by using an action that an individual made and then making a recommenda­tion for a next action based on what other users did who had made a similar initial action (i.e. think Amazon’s recommenda­tion slider, “Customers who viewed this item also viewed”).

6. Cyber security

Malicious activity on the internet is growing. To combat this, the cyber security industry has had to step up their game. Artificial intelligen­ce is one of their strongest weapons. The latest cyber security software that is equipped with AI can not only predict and block malicious activity that is occurring, but it also learns from it. As AI cyber security continues to improve, less interventi­ons from the operator’s end will be necessary. Currently, the software often identifies non-malicious suspicious activity and brings it to the attention of the operator through an alert.

7. Sales

The sales process has been in evolution since sales first came about. Individual­s and businesses are constantly trying new ways and coming up with new methods for improving the sales pipeline. The future of sales improvemen­t is clear, though. AI is the best option. It has the potential to enhance every part of the pipeline. AI software could generate leads, prioritize leads, personalis­e sales pitches for each lead, and so much more. This technology is only in the early stages but the industry is already showing no hesitation in adopting it.

8. Small business

Small businesses face many struggles. They not only have to compete with businesses that are their size but also businesses that are 100 times larger and have much bigger budgets. They do not have divisions of the company, such as a marketing team or a finance team. Instead they have one individual who is responsibl­e for every task in that role, or even in multiple roles. This is precisely where the power of AI can truly be seen.

9. Insurance

Insurance is currently spending more on AI globally than any other industry. They are using it for everything from customer service and finance to IT, strategic planning, and sales. More than half of the AI investment is going to improving general business operations and the rest is going to various transforma­tional projects. More specifical­ly, a lot of transforma­tional projects include utilizing AI to reduce and prevent accidents and injuries.

The bottom line is that AI is disrupting industries across the board. Businesses can take these learnings and insights and apply them to improve their own processes. • Ngan is the country general manager of Lenovo, Philippine­s

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