The Philippine Star

AFP chief welcomes Rody's trust

- ROEL PAREÑO – With Delon Porcalla

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Armed Forces of the Philippine­s (AFP) chief Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. said President Duterte was merely expressing his trust and confidence in the military when the Chief Executive said the military blew the chances for bringing about real change in the Philippine­s when the AFP handed back power to civilian authoritie­s after several successful coups in the past.

Galvez, who was guest speaker of the Mindanao Press Independen­t Council in Davao City on Friday, said the President’s statement proved his belief in the military as a catalyst for change in the society.

Duterte in a statement on Wednesday said the military blew its chances of creating real change by returning the power to the politician­s after helping oust former presidents Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada.

“Meaning, he (Duterte) manifests his respect and predisposi­tion to military offices because he knows the integrity of the military and also service orientatio­n of the military – which is to work for the common good and for the good of the country,” Galvez said.

“I’m so gratified because it only shows the trust and confidence of the President in the military,” Galvez said.

Col. Noel Detoyato, AFP public affairs chief, said the message of the President was not a warning of another military plot but mostly showing his trust towards the integrity of the military.

“It was his trust and confidence to the military said in another form,” Detoyato said.

The AFP could not yet state its position on whether to again extend the implementa­tion of martial law in Mindanao, which will end this year. Galvez said they are still working with the local government units and local officials to get their stand on the proposed martial law extension.

Martial law was imposed at the height of the Marawi City siege perpetrate­d by the Maute terror group last year. It was extended until Dec. 31 this year.

Galvez said the discussion and assessment will be coursed through the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) and the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) to have the common stand of the Mindanao people.

“We are still assessing and we will work with the different mayors and governors so that we could have their position and their formal take on martial law,” Galvez said on the sidelines of the safety training conducted by the Mindanao Independen­t Press Council held on Friday at Eden’s Nature Park in Davao City.

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