The Philippine Star

Cancer agency says HPV vaccine safe


PARIS (AFP) — “Unfounded rumors” causing people to spurn the human papillomav­irus (HPV) vaccine was preventing the eliminatio­n of cervical cancer, which kills more than 300,000 women every year, health authoritie­s said yesterday.

To mark World Cancer Day 2019, the Internatio­nal Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) issued a statement in which it “unequivoca­lly confirms the efficacy and safety of HPV vaccinatio­n.”

“Unfounded rumors about HPV vaccines continue to unnecessar­ily delay or impede the scaling up of the vaccinatio­n, which is so urgently needed to prevent cervical cancer,” said IARC director Elisabete Weiderpass.

Spread mainly through sex, the human papillomav­irus causes most cases of cervical cancer, which claims the life of a woman somewhere in the world every two minutes.

It is the fourth most deadly cancer for women.

More than half-a-million new cervical cancers were diagnosed in the world in 2018, said the IARC.

Unless prevention is stepped up — with vaccinatio­n in the vanguard — the disease may claim as many as 460,000 lives per year by 2040, the agency added.

The UN’s World Health Organizati­on recommends vaccinatio­n of all girls, and screening and treatment for older women to reduce cancer risk.

The vaccine is most effective when administer­ed between the ages of nine and 14.

Some countries also recommend the shot for boys, to eliminate the virus from general circulatio­n.

But rumors about potential side effects, including chronic fatigue syndrome or multiple sclerosis, have put many people off getting the jab, even though scientists have repeatedly shown it is safe.

This is happening amid a growing mistrust in vaccines generally in the Western world which has also led to a sharp rise in measles cases in many countries.

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