The Philippine Star

What is a helpmeet?

- Used with permission from Guidelines Internatio­nal Ministries. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, send an e-mail to You may also visit

Words convey powerful images, and fix an image in your mind. Take, for example, the word helper, say, a painter’s helper. The helper carries the bags, lays out the paints, puts down the canvas to protect the floor, cleans the brushes, does the dirty work. OK, a good helper may even do some preliminar­y sketches for the artist, but let’s face it, the helper is inferior to the painter.

That’s exactly the mental image you get when you read Genesis 2 and discover that Eve was “a helper suitable for him”— meaning, Adam. OK, it looks like Adam is the boss, and Eve is the – yes, helper! And that has been the mentality of men for centuries. But is that what God intended us to believe?

Remember she is of the same substance as Adam – neither better nor inferior. Now please remember that God is repeatedly called man’s helper, which is a position of honor, not weakness. It is the image of a father helping his son across a difficult ravine, or a mother helping her child learn his alphabet. God certainly is not on man’s level, and man isn’t equal to God, though some really think they are.

Adam recognized Eve – as an equal, as part of himself, one who stood alongside him, who would walk hand in hand with him – not as an inferior, a servant to do his bidding.

Together they would meet each other’s needs, each possessing what the other lacked, and as “one flesh” – to use the term found five times in the Bible, they would reproduce themselves in a family. God’s intention was that together they would form an indissolub­le union, standing against the winds of changing cultural ideas and difficulti­es. Marriage is a living relationsh­ip, not simply an agreement two people make signing a paper called a marriage license.

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