The Philippine Star

No chance encounters

(Part 2)


We have heard of the “Bantay Bata” Foundation, which not only trained the light on the reality of child abuse in the Philippine­s but also gave abused children a recourse: someone to turn to.

But did you now that there also exists in the Philippine­s a private advocate for the elderly, named “Bantay Matanda” Inc.? After all, aging loved ones are a reality we must face because like children, the elderly can be helpless, misunderst­ood, neglected and abused.

Bantay Matanda Inc. or BMI was set up by musician and former tour guide Adele

Joaquin, who realized while caring for her late mother Encarnacio­n, who was suffering from vascular dementia, that “so many families don’t know how to care for those suffering from it.”

BMI was incorporat­ed with this mission and vision: “to help improve the quality of life of our elderly loved ones and their caregivers through an awareness program.”

Adele gave up her day job as a tour guide to become a full-time caregiver for her nanay for 16 years, until her mother died in 2013 at age 96. Her nanay’s forgetfuln­ess was the ¿UVW ZDUQLQJ VLJQ 6KH ZRXOG IRU H[DPSOH leave the stove on. Then she started having mood swings and accused people of stealing IURP KHU $GHOH ¿QDOO\ VRXJKW KHOS ZKHQ her normally gentle mother almost hit her with a slab of wood! Adele, who sings, plays WKH ÀXWH DQG WKH SLDQR DPRQJ RWKHUV VD\V now she wishes she had sought help for her mother’s condition much earlier than she actually did.

Because of what she underwent, Adele saw the need to share her own knowledge and experience in caring for the elderly through Bantay Matanda and other venues like medical conference­s, TV and radio programs. A graduate of Communicat­ion $UWV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DQWR 7RPDV Adele has served as vice president of the Alzheimer’s Disease Associatio­n of the Philippine­s. At present, she is the alternate sectoral representa­tive for the elderly of the $%61(7 $UHD %DVHG 6WDQGDUG 1HWZRUNV &HQWUDO &OXVWHU XQGHU '6:'

I met Adele during a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land organized by Catholic Travel Inc. led by Fr. Dave Concepcion 6KH SOD\HG WKH ÀXWH GXULQJ D 0DVV LQ &DQD IRU WKH UHQHZDO of vows of the 17 couples who were with us on the pilgrimage. Once, during a short lull after lunch in between our visits to holy sites, Adele played the piano and even sang.

I learned about her advocacy one night when we shared a table during dinner.

“At first, I decided to put up BMI to create awareness. Then I set up a support group for family caregivers to help ease their EXUGHQ 6R QRZ ZH GR IDPLO\ FRXQVHOLQJ DV well to guide them in giving the best care for their loved ones.

“And if time and resources permit, we do medical missions and outreach to the provinces. Lastly, I match caregivers looking for jobs with families who need them.”

Adele holds a regular forum for the elderly and their caregivers. On March 30, BMI will KROG D UHFROOHFWL­RQ IRU VHQLRUV 7KH KXE RI operations for the organizati­on is at the Bantay 0DWDQGD &HQWHU ORFDWHG DW 6RXWK $ 6WUHHW 4XH]RQ &LW\ Last week, my cousin Cheryl Loleng

Mangasaria­n visited her parents Pedieng and Nellie in their home in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, and she had an expert check it to “senior-proof” it.

“After all, we childproof our homes, so it makes sense to ‘senior-proof’ it for our parents,” Cheryl said.

6KH ZDJJHG D ¿QJHU DW PH DQG VDLG VHULRXVO\ “Longevity is in our blood, after all.” Indeed, it is a blessing to be able to comb gray hair! And even a bigger blessing if we are prepared for aging and caring for those blessed with long lives.

Another pilgrim who was like a drill sergeant D VH[\ RQH WKDW LV HYHU\ time our group of 49 had to be herded into the bus was Arlene Santamaria. One click from Arlene’s finger accompanie­d by a husky “Yala! Yala!´ ZKLFK means “Let’s go” in Israel and which I thought at first was her parody for barkers shouting “Ayala! Ayala!” at MHHSQH\ VWRSV ZRXOG VHH us pilgrims, including the seniors, making a beeline for the bus, the WC, the entrance of a church, wherever we had to assemble for that matter.

Arlene first joined a pilgrimage to the +RO\ /DQG ZLWK KHU 6W 3DXO¶V 4XH]RQ &LW\ classmate Aly Placino LQ 6LQFH WKHQ she has been hooked — she brought her other classmates back to the Holy Land in 2011. One day, Catholic Travel asked her if she wanted to be a part-time tour escort during pilgrimage­s, and $UOHQH DJUHHG 6KH KDV EHHQ to the Holy Land eight times, and “99.9 percent of the time, my prayers were answered.”

Arlene is a housewife. 6KH DQG KXVEDQG Louie

Santamaria have been married for 38 years now and are already doting grandparen­ts.

But barking “Yala! Yala!” during pilgrimage­s isn’t Arlene’s major talent. The lady is a painter! After being inspired by a group of children from AKAP who painted on glass bottles, Arlene decided to paint on plates she had at home. With acrylic as her medium, Arlene completed 40 plates with images of the Holy Family and WKH 1DWLYLW\ LQ KHU ¿UVW \HDU RI SDLQWLQJ DORQH 6KH SDLQWV LQ the living room of her home, WKHQ ¿QLVKHV HDFK SODWH ZLWK D ceramic sealant.

Arlene had no intention of selling her works but friends who saw them, like her classmate and our fellow pilgrim Jane Tan, started buying them as Christmas presents. Thus, Arlene has painted close to 500 plates in the ODVW WKUHH \HDUV 6KH GRQDWHV part of the proceeds from the sale of the plates to the Adrian Manzano Foundation, whose beneficiar­ies are cancer patients.

The plates are vibrant and happy, and escorting pilgrims on a spiritual journey makes Arlene’s plate runneth over with blessings and new friends.

As Father Dave told me when I asked him what makes each pilgrimage, tiring for him as head of the group, worth it, he said, “It is fulfilling when we go to the Holy Land as pilgrims and go home as a family.”

 ??  ?? Arlene Santamaria and classmate Norma Tinoco in Jerusalem.
Arlene Santamaria and classmate Norma Tinoco in Jerusalem.
 ??  ?? Adele Joaquin with her late mother Encarnacio­n.
Adele Joaquin with her late mother Encarnacio­n.
 ??  ?? Fr. Dave Concepcion and Adele Joaquin in Petra.
Fr. Dave Concepcion and Adele Joaquin in Petra.
 ??  ?? Holy Family and Nativity paintings by Arlene Santamaria.
Holy Family and Nativity paintings by Arlene Santamaria.
 ??  ??
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