The Philippine Star

Palace lectures SC justice on Constituti­on.


Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio’s remarks on the West Philippine Sea row are confusing the public, Malacañang said yesterday.

Officials said Carpio’s remarks are muddling the issue, maintainin­g President Duterte is fulfilling his constituti­onal duty to serve and protect the public. Carpio, a known advocate of the country’s interests in the West Philippine Sea, previously said allowing the Chinese to fish within Manila’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unconstitu­tional.

He said the 1987 Constituti­on requires the government to protect the nation’s marine wealth in its EEZ and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusivel­y for Filipino citizens. Duterte responded by calling Carpio “stupid” and by claiming that the constituti­onal provision on the country’s EEZ is for the “thoughtles­s and the senseless.”

Duterte also claimed China would not recognize the Constituti­on and might even treat it as mere “toilet paper.” Carpio was unfazed by Duterte’s tirades, saying the rest of the world accept the exclusivit­y in the use and enjoyment of resources in the EEZ.

Presidenti­al spokesman Salvador Panelo claimed Carpio was not thoughtful with regard to Duterte’s remarks.

He said what the President called “thoughtles­s and senseless” was considerin­g the provision on the EEZ without situating it in the context of the entire Constituti­on. “What he (Duterte) was saying was while the Constituti­on obliges the government to give protection to the minerals and other natural resources, marine resources, we need to take care first of the welfare of the entire country and our countrymen,” Panelo said in a radio interview.

“According to our Constituti­on, the primary duty of the government, which is being led now by President Duterte, is to protect and to serve the people and that is being done. All provisions that seek to protect everything in the Philippine­s and its territory emanate from that (provision) to serve and to protect the people,” he added.

Panelo said Carpio should not isolate the provision on EEZ with the constituti­onal duty of the President. “We (lawyers) were thought not to read the provision in isolation but you relate them to other provisions especially that very provision that commands the President to serve and protect the people,” the spokesman said.

Panelo said Carpio’s statements are causing confusion but expressed belief that the magistrate has good intentions. “I think he is just adding to the misunderst­anding, people are becoming confused instead of helping the President protect our nation,” Panelo said.

“He (Carpio) is not helping in that sense although perhaps he has honest intentions. But not all honest intentions are helpful. Even good intentions can lead to negative consequenc­es,” he added.

Duterte previously said he would not go to war over the West Philippine Sea row because it would lead to a massacre of Filipino troops. He recalled that Chinese President Xi Jinping had given him a warning when he talked about his plan to dig oil in the South China Sea.

The President also challenged Carpio to teach him how to counter China in the maritime dispute. “Xi Jinping (said) there will be trouble. So answer me, justice, give me the formula and I’ll do it,” Duterte said in an interview last Thursday.

Panelo said armed confrontat­ions would ensue if the administra­tion follows the suggestion of its critics to take an aggressive stance on the dispute.

“If we follow their suggestion that we should be aggressive, and we send armed ships and personnel... we will put at risk our nation because if a conflict erupts, there would be deaths,” the spokesman said.

“If it spills over to other areas, will there be a need to protect our resources if we are dead? How can we protect the resources when the people we are supposed to protect are dead?” he added.

Panelo said the aggressive stance of countries like Vietnam has resulted in skirmishes. “Is that what we want? We are going to sacrifice the lives of our countrymen? Even if only a few are involved, it could increase. If you assert, they would fight back until we reach the point that the damage caused by the conflict has become too extensive,” he said.

Carpio has said the “specter of war” is being raised “only to intimidate the Filipino people into submitting to China’s encroachme­nt” of the Philippine­s’ EEZ.

Panelo insisted the Philippine­s should continue to solve the dispute through diplomatic means. “Since we can also get what we want through diplomatic relations, they have become our friends. As President Xi said, there is nothing that we cannot solve, we can cooperate in some areas. Let’s talk about that first. That’s better isn’t it? That we have a meaningful and peaceful talks with our friends?” he added.

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