The Philippine Star

Rody to Tsinoy traders: Say no to corruption


President Duterte has urged FilipinoCh­inese businessme­n to help in the government’s fight against corruption by not allowing themselves to become unwitting victims of shakedowns by corrupt government


“I know that for a worthy cause, sa kapwa tao ninyo pwede kang magtapon ng isang milyon. Pero ’pag hiningian ka ng singkwenta pesos tapos ’yung dala takot, nakakainit ng ulo (I know that for a worthy cause towards your fellowman you can toss a million. But if they ask you for P50 along with fear, it can be infuriatin­g),” Duterte said during the oath taking of the newly elected officers of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Inc. last Tuesday night.

Duterte urged a stop to anomalous transactio­ns where Chinese-Filipino businessme­n fall prey to mulcting by government personnel, particular­ly those in the Bureau of Customs and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

“Now is your time. Now is the time for all, especially you, the Chinese (who are) historical victims of corruption in the government. It is time that you put this aside and lessen corruption in government,” the President said.

Duterte called on the members of the federation to report directly to his office incidents of corruption. “It’s corruption, it’s everywhere. You know there is really corruption at Customs. But if you can be assertive, just assert. Anyway, I am here… I am here to protect you,” he said.

He advised the businessme­n to create a scene or cry foul over attempts to ask for bribes.

“Sabihin mo lang ’pag may maghingi, ‘P ***** i** mo, bakit ako magbigay sa iyo ulit?’ (If they ask, just say, ‘P ***** i** mo, why should I give to you again?’) Either Customs or BIR o ano (or what). ‘T*** i** ka, tapos na ako nagbayad. Ayan ang resibo. Eh bakit ka pa ba maghingi sa akin? Sabi ni Duterte, ‘pag maghingi ka, p ***** i**, sampalin raw kita (‘T*** i** ka, I’m done paying. Here’s the receipt. Why do you keep asking me? Duterte said, ‘If you keep asking, p ***** i**, I should slap you’),” he said.

The President also noted the kidnapping­s of some allegedly corrupt BIR inspectors. He did not provide details but Philippine National Police chief Gen. Oscar Albayalde said the police are investigat­ing the alleged kidnapping of at least 15 affluent BIR officials since 2013.

The President, Albayalde said, had ordered the PNP to seriously look into the allegation­s.

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