The Philippine Star

DOLE to get more power under new ‘endo’ bill


The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) will have greater authority as soon as the new version of the Security of Tenure (SOT) bill, earlier vetoed by President Duterte, is approved.

Under the proposal, Bello said the labor secretary has the authority to determine which jobs are directly related to the function of the company and thus cannot be outsourced.

“It will be done in consultati­on with the tripartite body, but it’s just consultati­on and eventually the secretary will take the position,” Bello said during the weekly Kapihan sa Manila Bay forum yesterday.

In the vetoed SOT measure, the power to determine what are prohibited and allowable labor only contractin­g (LOC) activity shall be determined by a tripartite body.

Bello said the employers want such prerogativ­e be given to them, which workers are strongly opposing.

“Management wants to have the prerogativ­e to define LOC and also the labor. It should not be, there should be a middle ground and that will be the secretary of labor in consultati­on with the tripartite council,” Bello pointed out.

Bello said that in the new version, DOLE is adopting the provisions in the vetoed bill that authorizes the department to suspend or close down companies found to be involved in illegal labor only contractin­g activities.

At present, he said, DOLE has no power to prosecute or even suspend companies engaging in illegal forms of contractua­lization.

However, Bello stressed that DOLE is still in the process of reformulat­ing the new SOT version that will be acceptable to both workers and employers.

The labor agency is expected to finish the draft by the end of the month and then submit it to the Legislativ­e-Executive Developmen­t Advisory Council.

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