The Philippine Star

GOP divided on Trump impeachmen­t probe


WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican­s have no unified argument in the impeachmen­t inquiry of Donald Trump, in large part because they cannot agree on how best to defend the US president – or for some, if they should.

That would require a level of consensus that Trump’s call with the Ukraine president was “perfect,” as he insists. Or it would take a measure of GOP independen­ce from Trump to suggest there may be a need to investigat­e.

Instead, it is every Republican for himself or herself.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said the president’s actions toward Ukraine are “troubling.” Other Republican­s said the behavior may raise concerns, but it is not impeachabl­e.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham called the whole impeachmen­t inquiry “B.S.”

The result is a mishmash of GOP commentary spilling from Capitol Hill that may shield lawmakers, for now, from risky political choices, but leaves them with a disjointed defense of Trump as impeachmen­t hearings push into the public realm this coming week.

“It’s not good,” veteran GOP strategist Alex Conant said. “Normally, you want to establish the facts, get them out on their own terms, and build a message around that strategy. They’re not doing any of that.”

Conant added: “It’s hard to rally people to your side without a coherent and sustainabl­e message.”

Early on, as the White House ceded the public relations strategy to the president, Republican­s in the House and Senate parted ways as they confronted the political threat posed by the Democrats’ impeachmen­t investigat­ion.

As far back as mid-October, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gathered his GOP colleagues in private and offered them advice on impeachmen­t. McConnell told Republican senators that their best bet was to calibrate their own message about the impeachmen­t inquiry to fit their political situation, according to two people familiar with the private meeting who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the closed-door session.

With a PowerPoint presentati­on, McConnell outlined the process ahead if the investigat­ion moves to a vote in the House and trial in the Senate. But when it came time to broach what Republican­s should say about impeachmen­t, McConnell showed a preference for saying as little about it as possible.

McConnell suggested a couple of options: senators could say they disagreed with the House process, or they could simply say that as potential jurors in an eventual impeachmen­t trial, they would not discuss it, according to the people familiar with the meeting.

It was the kind of political advice one would expect from the risk-averse leader as he tried to insulate his 53-seat GOP majority, including several senators up for re-election in 2020 in states such as Maine and Colorado, where voters are split on Trump.

“That’s what a good leader does – gives them the flexibilit­y they need to respond. My problem is, given how egregious the president’s conduct is, he’s given them a pass,” veteran Democratic strategist Jim Manley said.

“Most of these folks have got to know that what the president’s doing is wrong, but they’ve made a cold-hearted political decision right now (that) it’s best to stick with the president,” Manley added.

At its core, the impeachmen­t inquiry is based on what Democrats say is an improper quid pro quo – a “shakedown” – that Trump engaged in during his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesnkiy.

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